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Some web pages employ the use of a frame layout, which is a method of displaying multiple, often scrollable files (documents and/or graphic images) at once on the same page. The file in each frame has its own URL (Uniform Resource Locator or web address). Most graphical browsers will recognize frame commands and are able to display frames.
Frames easily can be misused, and care must be taken to make sure that the final product will be what the author has in mind. Before placing any file inside of a frame, it should be determined that the contents of the file will fit neatly into the frame, without excessive scrolling being necessary by anyone observing the page. As far as frames are concerned, improvement comes with practice.
The collection of frames in a browser window is referred to as a “frameset.” The document which defines all the frames in a framset is called the “frameset document.” A framset document is just like any other HTML source document except that the “body” tags (<BODY> & </BODY>) are replaced by “frameset” tags:
- <FRAMESET>frameset, frame, or noframe tags</FRAMESET>: defines a collection of frames or even other framesets, causing a browser window to be partitioned into distinct sections (frames) with a different file (document or graphic image) appearing within each frame. Framesets may be nested (one frameset inside of another frameset inside of another frameset).
Note: No <BODY> tag can be placed before a <FRAMESET> tag in a frameset document, or else the browser will ignore the <FRAMESET> tag.
The syntax of framesets is similar to that of tables, in that both are composed of “rows” and/or “columns.” A <FRAMESET> tag must contain within it one of two parameters as part of the command:
- ROWS="H,H,...": includes a list of values separated by commas, with each value defining the height “H” of a frame (row). The number of values in the list equals the number of frames (rows) in the frameset. The height can be an absolute value in pixels ("H") or a percentage ("H%"), or it can be a “relative value” ("*" or "H*").
"H" defines the height of that frame in pixels. Great care must be used when fixing a frame height in pixels, since the size of browser windows varies considerably. If absolute pixel values are used, at least one other value in the list should be a “relative-sized” ("*", "H*") value. Otherwise, the pixel value(s) may be overridden to ensure that the heights of all the frames add up to 100% of the height of the browser window.
"H%" defines the height of that frame as a percent of the total height of the browser window. If the total of all heights is greater than 100%, then all heights are scaled down, accordingly, to equal 100%. If the total of all heights is less than 100%, then extra space will be given to “relative-sized” ("*", "H*") frames, if they exist; or else all heights will be scaled up to equal 100% if no “relative-sized” frames exist.
"*" provides a “relative-sized” height for a frame, where that frame is given the remaining height space left over after all other frames have been sized. If "*" is used for more than one frame, the remaining height space will be distributed evenly among each of those frames.
"H*" provides a “relative-sized” height for a frame, where that frame is given a proportional height which is “H” times greater than any frame with a "*" value. For instance, ROWS="100,*,3*" would allot a 100-pixel height to the top row, with ¼ of the remaining space going to the second row and ¾ going to the third row. (“H” must be a positive, whole number.)
- COLS="W,W,...": includes a list of values separated by commas, with each value defining the width “W” of a frame (column). The number of values in the list equals the number of frames (columns) in the frameset. The width can be an absolute value in pixels ("W") or a percentage ("W%"), or it can be a “relative value” ("*" or "W*").
"W" defines the width of that frame in pixels. Great care must be used when fixing a frame width in pixels, since the size of browser windows varies considerably. If absolute pixel values are used, at least one other value in the list should be a “relative-sized” ("*", "W*") value. Otherwise, the pixel value(s) may be overridden to ensure that the widths of all the frames add up to 100% of the width of the browser window.
"W%" defines the width of that frame as a percent of the total width of the browser window. If the total of all widths is greater than 100%, then all widths are scaled down, accordingly, to equal 100%. If the total of all widths is less than 100%, then extra space will be given to “relative-sized” ("*", "W*") frames, if they exist, or else all widths will be scaled up to equal 100% if no “relative-sized” frames exist.
"*" provides a “relative-sized” width for a frame, where that frame is given the remaining width space left over after all other frames have been sized. If "*" is used for more than one frame, the remaining width space will be distributed evenly among each of those frames.
"W*" provides a “relative-sized” width for a frame, where that frame is given a proportional width which is “W” times greater than any frame with a "*" value. For instance, COLS="100,*,3*" would allot a 100-pixel width to the left column, with ¼ of the remaining space going to the second column and ¾ going to the third column. (“W” must be a positive, whole number.)
Other parameters which optionally may be contained within a <FRAMESET> tag are:
- FRAMEBORDER="YES"|"NO": sets the presence or absence of borders between the frames in that frameset. This will be overridden by any FRAMEBORDER parameters within individual <FRAMESET> or <FRAME> tags within that frameset.
"YES" (the default) causes borders to be present between all the frames in a frameset (unless the FRAMEBORDER="NO" parameter is found in all the <FRAME> tags sharing a common border).
"NO" causes no borders to be present around any of the frames in a frameset (unless the FRAMEBORDER="YES" parameter is found in all the <FRAME> tags sharing a common border).
- BORDER="B": sets the frame border thickness “B” in pixels of the borders between all the frames in a frameset.
- FRAMESPACING="S": sets the frame spacing “S” in pixels of the spacing between all the frames in a frameset.
Note: The combination of FRAMEBORDER="NO" and BORDER="0" and FRAMESPACING="0", altogether, causes the frames in a frameset to be juxtaposed against each other with no border between them. However, this also will prevent the user from being able to resize any frame.
BORDERCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the borders around the frames within the frameset. For more on color coding, go to Color Coding.
Note: Some browsers do not recognize the BORDERCOLOR parameter.
Since framesets may be nested within one another, a page can be created with both rows and columns on it, with each frameset defining either rows or columns.
Following a <FRAMESET> tag, empty “frame” tags are inserted:
- <FRAME>: defines a single frame in a frameset. This frame will be part of a row or a column, as designated in the <FRAMESET> tag before it, and it will contain a file (document or graphic image) different from the files in the other frames of the frameset.
A <FRAME> tag may contain within it parameters as part of the command:
- SRC="URL": causes the source file at the specified URL (Uniform Resource Locator or web address) to be displayed inside a frame initially. If no URL is included, the frame will be blank.
- NAME="frame name": assigns a name (optional) to a frame, enabling the frame to be “targeted” by hyperlinks in other documents within the same frameset. The frame name can be specified in these other documents within a base tag (<BASE TARGET="frame name">) or within an anchor hypertext reference tag (<A HREF TARGET="frame name">). By default, a frame has no name.
Every frame name must begin with an alphanumeric character (letter or number) except for the “special target names” listed below (which define the TARGET parameters within the <A HREF> tags), each of which begins with the “underscore” ( _ ) character:
"_BLANK" causes the linked document to load into a whole, newly created browser window which has no name. This new window will appear in front of the previous browser window; if this new browser window is eliminated, the previous browser window will remain.
"_SELF" causes the linked document to load into the same frame containing the document with the hyperlink. This is the default name for any hyperlink which does not have a TARGET attribute.
"_PARENT" causes the linked document to load into the parent (next higher) frameset in which the document containing the hyperlink is located. If the latter document has no parent frameset, this target name acts like "_SELF", described above.
"_TOP" causes the linked document to load into the entire browser window. It “breaks through” all higher framesets in a nesting and surfaces at the top. If the document containing the hyperlink is part of the first frameset in a nesting of framesets, this target name acts like "_SELF", described above.
Note: A “special target name” is not the actual name of any specific frame. Rather, it targets a specific frame or frameset, relative to the frame in which the document is located, in which the new linked document will appear.
MARGINWIDTH="W": sets the width “W” of the left and right margins of a frame. “W” is in pixels.
MARGINHEIGHT="H": sets the height “H” of the top and bottom margins of a frame. “H” is in pixels.
SCROLLING="YES"|"NO"|"AUTO": specifies whether or not a scrollbar (or scrollbars) will be present on a frame’s border(s).
"YES" causes a scrollbar (or scrollbars) to be visible on a frame.
"NO" causes no scrollbar(s) to be visible on a frame.
"AUTO" (the default) allows the browser to decide whether or not scrollbars are needed and, if so, to place them where necessary.
Note: If SCROLLING="NO" is selected, yet the frame is smaller on the user’s screen than expected (resulting in the absence of some of the information), the user will not be able to scroll down or across to read any information which is not visible.
NORESIZE: disables the ability of the user to resize a frame. Any frame adjacent to a nonresizable frame also will not be resizable.
FRAMEBORDER="YES"|"NO": sets the presence or absence of borders for that frame. This will override any FRAMEBORDER command which may be present in the <FRAMESET> tag of the frameset containing the frame.
"YES" (the default) causes borders to be present around a frame.
"NO" causes no borders to be present around a frame (only if the FRAMEBORDER="NO" parameter is present in the <FRAME> tags of all frames sharing those borders).
BORDERCOLOR="COLOR"|"#COLOR CODE": colors the border around a frame. It will override any BORDERCOLOR parameter found in the frameset containing that frame. If a common border between two frames is defined to be two different colors, it will remain gray. For more on color coding, go to Color Coding.
Note: Some browsers do not recognize the BORDERCOLOR parameter.
Many browsers do not support a frames format. Therefore, for these browsers, “no frames” tags should be included:
- <NOFRAMES>message</NOFRAMES>: provides alternate text or information, for a browser which does not support frames, which will be displayed on the browser instead of frames. The text of the message could say something like, “If your browser does not support a frames format, only this message will be visible.” Alternately, all the information (text, hyperlinks, graphic images, etc.) of the frameset document can be placed between the <NOFRAMES> & </NOFRAMES> tags, but it just will not appear in a frame format on a browser which does not support frames. (Even HTML tags, including <BODY> & </BODY> tags, can be placed between <NOFRAMES> & </NOFRAMES> tags.) A frames-capable browser will ignore the <NOFRAMES> & </NOFRAMES> tags, as well as anything between them. The noframes tags (and the information between them) must be placed somewhere between the first <FRAMESET> tag and the last </FRAMESET> tag.
Here is an example of the HTML source code for a frameset (called “index.html” and titled “Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Human Eye”), using some of the tags and parameters for frames and including a “noframes” alternate document (you will be able to view this entire frameset if you link to it via “Frames Example” at the bottom of the page):
<TITLE>Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Human Eye</TITLE>
<FRAME SRC="overview.html" NAME="structures">
<BODY TEXT="#007078" LINK="#0080FF" ALINK="#00B8F0" VLINK="#00E0E0" BACKGROUND="graphics/sand.gif" BGCOLOR="#FFE8A8" BGPROPERTIES="fixed">
<CENTER><H1>Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology of the Human Eye</H1></CENTER>
<FONT SIZE="5"><P>Your browser does not display frames. Therefore, this information on eye anatomy, physiology and pathology will be presented in a standard browser format. Click on the hyperlinks below to learn more about the eye and how it works. (After reading each section, as well as taking the short quizzes at the end if you wish, click on the #&147;Back#&148; button of your browser, or press #&147;Alt <IMG SRC="graphics/ltarrow.gif">#&148; on your keyboard, to return this page.)</P></FONT>
<CAPTION><FONT SIZE="6"><B>About the Eye</B></FONT></CAPTION>
<TD ROWSPAN="15" VALIGN="TOP"><IMG SRC="graphics/eyeantmy-a.gif" WIDTH="289" HEIGHT="221" ALT="Anatomy of An Eye"></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="overview.html">Overview</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="anatomy.html">Anatomy Of An Eye</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="glasses.html">Eyeglasses</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="acuity.html">Visual Acuity</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="glossary/index.html">Glossary of Ocular Terms</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><HR WIDTH="50%"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="eom.html">Extraocular Muscles</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="cornea.html">Cornea</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="optcnrve.html">Optic Nerve</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="lens.html">Crystalline Lens</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="macula.html">Macula</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="iris.html">Iris</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="vitreous.html">Vitreous Humor</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="cnjnctva.html">Conjunctiva</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3"><B><A HREF="retina.html">Retina</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><HR WIDTH="50%"></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="eyequiz1/eyequiz1.html" TARGET="_BLANK">Eye Quiz #1</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="eyequiz2/eyequiz2.html" TARGET="_BLANK">Eye Quiz #2</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="eyequiz3/eyequiz3.html" TARGET="_BLANK">Eye Quiz #3</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><HR WIDTH="50%"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="colortst/colortst.html">Color Vision Testing</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="macula.html#amsler_grid">Amsler Grid Testing</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="3">{<B><A HREF="optcnrve.html#blind_spot">Blind Spot Testing</A></B>}</FONT></TD>
</FONT><FONT SIZE="4"><P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><I><FONT COLOR="#C58917">Return to </FONT><A HREF="../frames.html">Frames <IMG SRC="graphics/orangeL.gif" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="15"></A></I></B></P>
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><I><FONT COLOR="#C58917">Return to Main Page of </FONT><A HREF="../index.html">Ted’s HTML Tutorial <IMG SRC="graphics/orangeL.gif" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="15"></A></I></B></P>
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><I><FONT COLOR="#C58917">Return to </FONT><A HREF="../../../MontyBooks/index.html">Ted’s HOMEPAGE <IMG SRC="graphics/orangeL.gif" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="15"></A></I></B></P>
Note: The “../” symbol tells a browser to back up one (1) directory.
This is what the HTML source code for “eyeantmy.html” looks like:
<BASE TARGET="structures">
<IMG SRC="graphics/eyeantmy-a.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="284" HEIGHT="217" USEMAP="#eyemap">
<MAP NAME="eyemap">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="3,4,80,4,83,8,83,17,70,20,70,30,24,30,19,28,16,25,16,18,
11,18,6,16,3,13" HREF="eom.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="3,43,61,57" HREF="cornea.html">
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="3,84,64,84,67,88,67,95,60,100,60,110,17,110,12,108,9,105,
9,98,6,96,3,93" HREF="lens.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="3,124,48,139" HREF="iris.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="3,159,83,173" HREF="cnjnctva.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="204,43,283,58" HREF="optcnrve.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="224,95,283,110" HREF="macula.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="221,125,284,140" HREF="vitreous.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="227,159,283,173" HREF="retina.html">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="26,191,254,217" HREF="anatomy.html">
<AREA SHAPE=CIRC COORDS="126,108,59" HREF="anatomy.html">
Note: USEMAP is a type of image mapping where regions of an image are converted into hyperlinks.
Note: Not all browsers which support mapping will recognize the "POLY" (polygon) or "CIRC" (circle) values.
This is what the HTML source code for “links.html” looks like:
<BASE TARGET="structures">
<BODY TEXT=#504030 LINK=#904000 ALINK=#B06020 VLINK=#D08040 BACKGROUND=graphics/burlap.gif BGCOLOR=#FBE7B8>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=2><FONT FACE=arial><B><SPAN STYLE="background-color: #FFD898"> Eye and Vision Information </SPAN></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=overview.html>Overview</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><NOBR><B><A HREF=anatomy.html>Anatomy of an Eye</A></B></NOBR></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=glasses.html>Eyeglasses & Optics</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=acuity.html>Visual Acuity</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=2><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=glossary/index.html>Glossary of Ocular Terms</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=javascript:NewWindow2('surfing.html')>Surfing Tips</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=examform.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Exam Form</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=javascript:NewWindow2('eyeinformation.html')>My Advice</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=javascript:NewWindow2('linkexchanges.html')>Link Exchanges</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=2><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eom.html>Extraocular Muscles</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=cornea.html>Cornea</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=optcnrve.html>Optic Nerve</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><NOBR><B><A HREF=lens.html>Crystalline Lens</A></B></NOBR></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=macula.html>Macula</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=iris.html>Iris</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><NOBR><B><A HREF=vitreous.html>Vitreous Humor</A></B></NOBR></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=cnjnctva.html>Conjunctiva</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=retina.html>Retina</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=2><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=javascript:NewWindow('pupildefects.html')>Pupillary Defects and Conditions</A></B></FONT></TD>
<HR WIDTH=50% SIZE=4 COLOR=#A87848>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=5><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial><B><SPAN STYLE="background-color: #FFD898"> Ocular Photos, Graphics, Meds </SPAN></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=3><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eyephotos/index.html TARGET=_blank>Ocular Pathology Photos</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=3><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eyephotos/index-grphc.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Condition Graphics</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=3><B><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><A HREF="treatment/index.html" TARGET="_blank">Ocular Pathology Medications</A></FONT></B></TD>
<HR WIDTH=50% SIZE=4 COLOR=#A87848>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=5><FONT FACE=arial><B><SPAN STYLE="background-color: #FFD898"> Color and Field Tests </SPAN></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=colortst/colortst.html>Color Vision</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=macula.html#amsler_grid>Amsler Grid</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=optcnrve.html#blind_spot>Blind Spot</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=5><FONT FACE=arial><B><SPAN STYLE="background-color: #FFD898"> <A HREF=eyequiz/index.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Quizzes</A></B> </SPAN></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eyequiz1/eyequiz1.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Quiz #1</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eyequiz2/eyequiz2.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Quiz #2</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TD><NOBR><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=eyequiz3/eyequiz3.html TARGET=_blank>Eye Quiz #3</A></B></FONT></NOBR></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=5><FONT FACE=arial><B><SPAN STYLE="background-color: #FFD898"> Other Links </SPAN></B></FONT></TD>
<TR ALIGN=center>
<TD COLSPAN=5><FONT FACE=arial SIZE=2><B><A HREF=weblinks.html>Links to Eye and Health<BR>Information on the Web</A></B></FONT></TD>
</FONT><CENTER><B><I><FONT COLOR=#C58917>Return to </FONT><A HREF=../index.html TARGET=_top>Ted’s HOMEPAGE <IMG SRC=graphics/orangeL.gif ALIGN=bottom BORDER=0 WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=15></A></I></B><BR>
<B><I><FONT COLOR=#C58917>Go to </FONT><A HREF=../remarks.html TARGET=_blank>Ted’s Remarks <IMG SRC=graphics/orangeR.gif ALIGN=bottom BORDER=0 WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=15></A></I></B><BR>
<B><I><FONT COLOR=#C58917>Return to </FONT><A HREF=../tutorial/frames.html TARGET=_top>Frames <IMG SRC=graphics/orangeL.gif ALIGN=bottom BORDER=0 WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=15></A></I></B><BR>
<B><I><FONT COLOR=#C58917>Return to the Main Page of</FONT><BR><A HREF=../tutorial/index.html TARGET=_top>Ted’s HTML Tutorial <IMG SRC=graphics/orangeL.gif ALIGN=bottom BORDER=0 WIDTH=17 HEIGHT=15></A></I></B><BR>
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To see how this frameset of frames is marked up on a browser, and to see how the “noframes” alternate document appears on a browser which does not display frames, click on the first two links below.
Proceed to Frames Example 
“Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology of the Human Eye”
Proceed to Noframes Example
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Copyright © 1998– by Ted M. Montgomery. All rights reserved.