The 70th Week and Extensions*
: “Pre-Wrath” Rapture (Note: Some browsers will not display the alignments of the arrows in this chart properly. Take this link to see a better view of the chart: The 70th Week and Extensions: “Pre-Wrath” Rapture.)Rapture (Tishri 1 or 2, Rosh haShanah?) just prior to the Day of the Lord: Seal 7 |
- - - - - - - -The 70th Week (final 7 years of this age)- - - - - - - - | Extensions* (75 days) | |||
3½ yrs. (1,260 days, 42 mos.) | 3½ yrs. (1,260 days, 42 mos.) | 30 days | 45 days | |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -4-6 years- - - - - - - - - - - - - | 1-3 years | - - - -75 days- - - - | ||
Seals 1, 2, 3, & 4 | Seals 5 & 6 | Day of the Lord: Seal 7 | Millennial Temple Built |
Rise of Antichrist | Afflictions | Gods Wrath | ||
Beginning of Sorrows/Birth Pains | Great Tribulation | Trumpet Judgments | Bowl Judgments |
Antichrist’s Covenant Confirmed (in the Fall of the Year?) |
Midpoint: Abomination that Causes Desolation (Aviv 10, 4 Days before Passover?) |
Cosmic Tumult & Signs (Seal 6) Signaling Jesus’ Imminent Arrival at the Rapture |
Jesus’ Bodily Return with His Armies (Tishri 10, Yom Kippur?); Defeat of Gog and His Armies |
Defeat of Antichrist and His Armies (Armageddon) |
Millennial Temple Dedicated (Kislev 25, Hanukkah?) |
= Second Coming of Jesus, initially in the air at the (primary) Rapture and later to the earth at His physical advent.
= Catching up of the true, professing, living and dead, Christian believers at the (primary) Rapture to meet Jesus in the clouds.
= Possible secondary Rapture events.
*The “Extensions” to the 70th Week, comprising a 75-day period following Jesus’ bodily return to earth, consist of a 30-day period (during which the Bowl Judgments will be poured out upon the Antichrist’s kingdom) and then a 45-day period beyond that (during which the Millennial Temple will be built). This will complete the fulfillment of the following prophecy:
From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up [at the midpoint of the 70th Week], there will be 1,290 days [until the end of the Bowl Judgments and the Battle of Armageddon]. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days [until the Millennial Temple is dedicated on Hanukkah, 75 days after Jesus’ bodily return to earth on Yom Kippur] (Dan. 12:11,12).
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