Ted’s Remarks About Stuff
October thru December, 2024

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Dec. 31, 2024
Stock Market

Make a joyful shout to the Lord
Dec. 30, 2024
Stock Market

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter passed away yesterday at his home in Plains, Georgia.  He was 100 years old.

Carter was the 39th president of the U.S., serving from 1977 to 1981.  An official state funeral and a day of mourning have been scheduled for Carter on January 9, 2025.

Jimmy Carter nears the top
of America's 'Most Admired
Man' list, according to Gallup

Dec. 29, 2024

The 5th day of the Festival of Hanukkah began at sunset tonight.  I attended a Hanukkah festivity that began about an hour before sunset and ended almost two hours later.  The rabbi did an excellent job describing what Hanakkah is all about.

Everyone had a great time.  Numerous menorah candles were lit.  Also, all of the food was yummy.  My favorites were the potato pancake latkes. 



38-second slideshow

Dec. 28, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett.  They talked about the continuing wreckage of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which is nothing less than reckless Christianity.

Many former NAR members say Bethel and Hillsong music snagged them and drew them in.  Their theology is Kingdom Now—Heaven is going to come to earth!  There are destructive wolves among the flock today, but how do we spot them?

You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. (Titus 2:1)

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

Watch out for false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (Matthew 7:15)



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

Beware of the Wolves! — Audio | Video
Dec. 27, 2024
Stock Market

I went out yesterday (the day after Christmas) to get some 50%-off Christmas candy.  As usual, I wanted some dark chocolate candy and some chocolate peanut butter candy.  Sometimes it’s all sold out the day after Christmas, but this year I was able to find what I wanted.  I also got a large bag containing a variety of chocolate candy.

In total, I bought 50.70 oz. (3.17 lb.) of 50%-off Christmas clearance candy.  That will last me quite awhile.

5-second slideshow

Dec. 26, 2024
Stock Market

Lighting of Hanukkah candlesToday (Kislev 25 on the Jewish calendar) is the first full day of Hanukkah.  Hanukkah began at sunset yesterday evening and extends until sunset on Jan. 2.  There are Hanukkah Blessings to say for eight nights as menorah candles are lit.  Happy Hanukkah Blessings!

15-second slideshow

Jesus is the Light of the WorldThis first full day of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is the 25th day of the Hebraic month of Kislev.  Most likely, this is when Jesus, the “light of the world” (John 3:19, 8:12), was conceived within a virgin and, when born, would be called Immanuel or “God with us” (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:30-35).  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit of God (Matthew 1:18-20).  This is a fundamental example of how someone becomes a person, not merely a clump of cells, at the moment of conception.

Since life begins at conception, then it seems plausible that Jesus was the Light who entered the world (John 3:19) on the Festival of Lights.  Nine months later, Jesus most likely was born at the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles = Sukkot.  This is when God came to make His dwelling or to tabernacle with us in human form (John 1:14).  More information and details can be found here: Do you think that Jesus was born on December 25 of the Gregorian calendar, or could He have been born at a time that aligned with the Hebraic calendar of feasts and festivals?

Speaking of the Messiah and Savior Jesus to come, God said this:

“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept.  I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”  This is what the LORD says—the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel—to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: “Kings will see you and rise up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.” (Isaiah 49:6,7)

Jesus, who was Jewish, observed Hanukkah = the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22,23).  It commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in 164 BCE.  I feel that Jesus’ millennial Temple probably will be dedicated during Hanukkah after He returns to rule and reign over the whole world.

Dec. 25, 2024

15-second slideshow

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate this holiday.  I celebrate the birth of Jesus during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.  You can see my Oct. 17 entry for more about that.  Also, see Emperor Constantine, as well as my email response to someone here:

Do you think that Jesus was born on December 25 of the Gregorian calendar, or could He have been born at a time that aligned with the Hebraic calendar of feasts and festivals?

Regardless of when the virgin birth of Jesus was, He is the promised Messiah, the Son of God, and the Savior of those who acknowledge that we are sinners and ask God’s forgiveness for our transgressions.  We understand that Jesus came and took the penalty that we were due.  In case you have an interest, you can see My Beliefs and Faith for more of what I believe.

Dec. 24, 2024
Stock Market

Every weekend, I listen to various Christian programs on American Family Radio.  One program I always like a lot is The Christian Worldview.  The host is David Wheaton, who previously was a professional tennis player.

This past weekend, the program was The Christ of Christmas, and I found it very interesting.  He includes several prophecies about Jesus from the Old Testament of the Bible, which many Christians and Jews are not aware of.  It is a 54-minute rebroadcast of the program from two years ago on Dec. 24, 2022.  It also can be heard on this page:

The Christ of Christmas
Dec. 23, 2024
Stock Market

Jonathan Cahn is a well-known Messianic Jewish pastor.  He believes that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, and he is the founder of Hope of the World Ministries.

In a recent YouTube video, released a few days ago, he provides a collection of interesting information about mysteries of the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem.  Although he does not believe that Jesus was born on December 25 (Christmas), he does believe that Jesus can be honored and worshiped any day of the year.  I agree with him about both of those things.

I found this video well worth the time to watch.  It lasts just under 27.5 minutes.  In case the video below does not play, click on the title below it to go directly to the YouTube page.

The Bethlehem Mysteries

Dec. 22, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell played a portion of Anita Dittman’s testimony of remarkable and miraculous survival during the Holocaust.  Anita and her mother were Jews who had a strong belief and faith in Jesus.





60-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 58 minutes, can be heard here:

Under the Shadow of His Wings — Audio | Video
Dec. 21, 2024

Today, the December Solstice takes place.  That occurs at 1:20 a.m. PST = 4:20 a.m. EST (= 9:20 UTC).

It marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

For us in the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the end of decreasing daylight hours.  So for the next 6 months, the daylight will be getting longer each day, which I like.  Yeah!! 

December Solstice
Dec. 20, 2024
Stock Market

A vote by the U.S. House of Representatives two days ago did not pass a government spending bill.  There were 1,547 pages in that resolution.

A new version of the bill, containing only 116 pages, was voted on yesterday evening.  It also failed to pass.  The vote on yesterday’s version of the bill was 174 in favor, 235 against, and 1 present.

Late this afternoon, there was another vote in the House on a third government spending bill.  It contained 118 pages and had some modifications compared to yesterday’s bill.  These included $100 billion in disaster aid and #10 billion in agricultural assistance to farmers.  This time, House members passed the bill with 366 in favor, 34 against, and 1 present.

Many hours later, 38 minutes after the midnight funding deadline, the Senate voted on the bill.  The bill was passed with a vote of 85 in favor, 11 against.  President Biden is expected to sign the bill this weekend.  It will extend funding of the federal government until March 14, 2025.

House approves funding bill
and sends to Senate hours before
government shutdown deadline
    US Senate passes
government funding
bill, averts shutdown

Dec. 19, 2024
Stock Market

The chicken or the egg
Dec. 18, 2024
Stock Market

Today, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) lowered the target range for the federal funds rate by 0.25% point to the 4.25% to 4.50% range.  The vote to do this was 11 out of 12.  It is the third time this year that the interest rate was cut.  The first and second times were on Sep. 18 and on Nov. 7.

This is the last Federal Reserve meeting in 2024.  It also will be the last Fed meeting before Donald Trump begins his second term as president on January 20.  The Fed’s most recent Summary of Economic Projections, released today, forecasts two interest-rate cuts during 2025.  The Fed’s next meeting is scheduled for January 30 & 31.

The Fed cuts interest
rates once again in its
final decision of the year
    The Federal Reserve lowers
interest rates again — but
hints at fewer cuts next year

Dec. 17, 2024
Stock Market

Late last month, Islamic forces began a rebel offensive against the Syrian government.  On Dec. 8, two days after rebels began encircling Damascus, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fled the city.  This ended 54 years of the Assad family’s rule in Syria.

Assad and his family escaped to Moscow, Russia.  It was reported that the Russian government granted them asylum on humanitarian grounds.

Back in the 1980s, Bashar al-Assad became a medical doctor.  In the early 1990s, he was training to be an ophthalmologist.  As a retired eye doctor (optometric physician) myself, I got a good laugh when I saw this clever parody:

Bashar al-Assad, ophthalmologist

Dec 16, 2024
Stock Market


When I have a lot of things to do during a day, I may not feel motivated to “walk up all the steps” to get all of those things done.  Then the phrase “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” usually enters my brain.

One of the main things that gets me going is knowing how glad I will be once everything is done, as shown by the guy on the top step in the first image above.  Then I can relax.  Just wanting to have the satisfaction of completing my tasks often stimulates me to get started.

For decades, whenever I have made myself get things done, I always am very happy and content with myself the next day.  I call it “being true to myself.”  The gratification that I feel is a big motivator the next time I need to get tasks done that I don’t feel in the mood to get done that day.

Dec. 15, 2024

Chosen people
Dec. 14, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Josh Schwartz, Ken Mikle, Pastor Billy Crone, and Pastor Brandon Holthaus.  Many shepherds do not allow the sheep to hear biblical and prophetic truth.  Hear from many believers who give new meaning to the term “remnant.”

And He [God] will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. (Isaiah 33:6)



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 58 minutes, can be heard here:

When the Shepherds Bar the Gate — Audio | Video
Dec. 13, 2024
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

Today is Friday the 13th.  The only other Friday the 13th in 2024 was September 13.  I consider it to be a lucky day rather than an ill-fated day.  I think all the of the kitty cats above would agree with me. 

Dec. 12, 2024
Stock Market

Since late November, there have been sightings of many drones in the air over multiple counties from New York City through New Jersey and into Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia.  They primarily have been seen when it is dark.  The drones appear to be several feet in width.

Mystery drones Mystery drones Mystery drones
Click on images above to see larger views.

One source stated that the drones very possibly could be from Iran.  More specifically, he indicated that he felt the drones were coming from an Iranian mothership parked off the East Coast.  The Pentagon has refuted that claim, but the U.S. military is on full alert regarding the situation.

The drones have been seen flying, often in groups, over residential backyards and highways.  They also have been seen hovering over critical infrastructure, including reservoirs, power lines, rail stations and police departments.

The FBI has not identified the source or nature of the devices.  It is unknown whether or not the drones pose a threat to public safety.  Officials have said that they will continue their investigations.

Homeland Security shares new
details of mysterious drone
flights over New Jersey
    Mystery drone sightings
in New Jersey have
residents demanding answers

Dec. 11, 2024
Stock Market

Choose life
Dec. 10, 2024
Stock Market

Brian Thompson Luigi Mangione
Last week on Dec. 4, a public murder took place in midtown Manhattan, New York, at 6:45 a.m.  The man who was shot to death was Brian Thompson, age 50 (see more information at Killing of Brian Thompson).  Since 2021, he was the chief executive officer (CEO) of the insurance company UnitedHealthcare, the largest health insurer in the U.S.

Immediately following the shooting, the suspect, a white man wearing a mask, fled the scene on an electric bicycle.  For days, police searched for him in various cities and states.  They also carefully examined pictures that had been taken of him in certain locations.

Yesterday, morning at a McDonald’s restaurant in Altoona, Pennsylvania, an employee recognized him after having seen him on news reports.  She alerted local authorities, and police showed up and detained him.  The suspect was identified as Luigi Mangione, age 26, originally from Baltimore, Maryland.

After extensive questioning, Mangione was arrested on local charges related to presenting a false ID to police officers and firearm charges.  Last evening, he was arraigned on these and other charges in a local court.  Ultimately, if Mangione is convicted of Thompson’s murder, possible motives may be stated as retaliation against Thompson, UnitedHealthcare, and the American health care insurance industry.

Who is Luigi Mangione? Everything
we know about 26-year-old linked
to UnitedHealthCare CEO shooting
    Luigi Mangione charged
with firearms violation
and forgery in Altoona

Dec. 9, 2024
Stock Market

Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral

Over 5½ years ago, the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral sustained serious damage due to a terrible fire.  This occurred on Apr. 15, 2019.  It was speculated that the fire was linked to ongoing renovation work at the time.

After years of reconstruction and reparations, the Notre-Dame Cathedral was reopened this past weekend.  The first Sunday mass since the fire was celebrated yesterday.  Archbishop of Paris Laurent Ulrich presided over the mass.  French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and their wives were among hundreds of people who attended the event.

Paris’ Notre Dame celebrates
first Sunday Mass since
fire five years ago
    Inside Notre Dame,
Paris’ Gothic gem, as
it reopens to the world

Dec. 8, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Tom Hughes.  They reviewed top Bible prophecy stories of 2024.

Because America’s November election went in a preferred direction, will the world relax to a business as usual mentality?  Nothing will stop the rush towards Revelation 13, or the globalists’ 2030 agenda.  Don’t be fooled.

Jan: “When the time was right, the sea parted, the walls fell down, the lions went hungry, the sun stood still, the waves were calm.  The stone was rolled away, the clouds were parted, the Lord ascended.  And when the time is right, the King of kings will return.  God is never early, He is never late; He’s always right on time, and His plan for you is good.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 56 minutes, can be heard here:

Business As Usual? — Audio | Video
Dec. 7, 2024

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Today is the 83rd anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  President Roosevelt referred to it as “a date which will live in infamy,” as indeed it has.  (If the link does not connect, click here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lK8gYGg0dkE.)

This attack caused the United States to enter World War II.  Had that not happened, Adolf Hitler probably would have won the war, and the world would have been a completely different place.

Dec. 6, 2024
Stock Market

Patrolia earthquakeThere continue to be small aftershocks from yesterday’s large 2024 Cape Mendocino earthquake just off the coast of northern California.  On the Earthquake Magnitude Scale, the 7.0 quake was classified as a major quake.

The quake occurred at 10:44 a.m. PST.  Its epicenter was 39 miles west of Petrolia in Humboldt County, and its depth was 6.2 miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean.  The quake struck in the Mendocino Fracture Zone.  Way down south in San Francisco, some residents felt shaking.

A tsunami warning was issued for the coast of northern California and the coast of Oregon, but the warning was canceled at 11:54 a.m.  In Humboldt County, over 10,000 customers lost power.  Some homes were shifted from their foundations.

There have been dozens of small aftershocks since the initial 7.0 temblor, and these will continue for awhile.  There is a 3% chance of an aftershock of magnitude 6.0 or larger.  There is a much smaller chance of an aftershock of magnitude 7.0 or larger, but it is possible.

Aftershocks are ongoing after a major
earthquake struck off California’s
coast.  They could get big.
    ‘Swaying back and forth’:
Magnitude 7 earthquake,
aftershocks rock California

Dec. 5, 2024
Stock Market

It has been one month since the 2024 U.S. election for president and vice president took place on Nov. 5.  The election also included voting for many members in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

Of the 538 total electors, 312 of them voted for Donald Trump and J. D. Vance, while 226 of them voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  This was a significant victory for Trump/Vance, since only 270 electoral votes were required to win the election.  Trump/Vance won 58% of the electoral votes and 49.9% of the popular votes, while Harris/Walz won 42% of the electoral votes and 48.4% of the popular votes.  So far, 97.0% of the expected popular vote has been recorded.

Trump flipped six battleground states that were recorded to have voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.  These states were Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona.

Also, it appears that the new U.S. Senate will contain 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats.  So far, the new U.S. House will contain 220 Republicans and 215 Democrats.  However, a few Republicans may leave the House and be in President Trump’s administration.  Most likely, those seats will be replaced by other Republicans, but it is possible that not all of them will.

2024 Presidential election votes updated
Click on the image above to see a larger view.

Dec. 4, 2024
Stock Market

Animals and their baby names
Dec. 3, 2023
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

Today is Giving Tuesday.  It began in 2012 and always takes place five days after the Thanksgiving holiday each year.  Therefore, the date range is November 27 to December 3.

This day can be described as a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations, helping to positively transform their communities and the world.  Although it began 12 years ago in New York City, it is a day of giving in several countries around the world.

Dec. 2, 2024
Stock Market

Vicious cycle
Dec. 1, 2024

Back on June 11, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was convicted on three felony gun charges.  Also, two months ago, Hunter pleaded guilty to nine federal tax charges.  He was the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

President Biden has stated, repeatedly, that he would not pardon Hunter to protect him from the verdicts in his court cases.  However, this weekend, the president changed his mind and, today, he pardoned Hunter.  One of the things he said in a written statement was, “I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.”

President Joe Biden issues
pardon for son Hunter in
federal gun, tax cases
    President Biden pardons
his son Hunter Biden
despite pledges not to

Nov. 30, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Billy Crone.  They talked about Freemasonry called, by some, Satan’s secret society.  Crone recommends that those who are a part of it do the three Rs: repent, renounce and run.

These are striving for a one world leader, religion and government.  They have successfully infiltrated some churches.  While they appear to do good things for society, they are a part of the Antichrist system.

Jesus answered and said to them, “Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24:4-8)



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

Satan’s Secret Society — Audio | Video
Nov. 29, 2024
Stock Market

15-second slideshow

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, is known as Black Friday.  It usually is the busiest shopping day of the year.  Traditionally, it marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

Many stores promote big sales and price discounts for numerous items.  For some stores, the sales and discounts can continue until the following Monday (“Cyber Monday”) and even through the next week (“Cyber Week”).

Nov. 28, 2024

This is Thanksgiving Day in the USA.  Our first president, George Washington, issued a General Thanksgiving Proclamation.  Its focus is on the Almighty God, to whom we all should be thankful for both good and happy times, as well as bad and sad times.

15-second slideshow

In a prayer to the Lord, King David said the following:

Praise be to you, O LORD, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.  Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.  Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.  Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.  Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. (1 Chronicles 29:12-24)

In his instructions to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote the following:

Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.  Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.  Live in peace with each other.  And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.  Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.  Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt.  Test everything.  Hold on to the good.  Avoid every kind of evil.  May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-24)

On this special day, the prominent phrase that Paul wrote is, “give thanks in all circumstances.”  For many who are going through difficult and trying circumstances, this is not easy to do.  Spiritual maturity enables us to understand that we should give thanks even for the thorny and challenging things in life.

It is hard for us to understand why we should be thankful for the terrible things that happen to us, and to others close to us, along this journey of life.  We must realize, though, that we cannot understand the infinite Mind of God, nor can we comprehend His plans and purposes for our lives.  It is in obedience and in faith that we thank God for all things.

Today, let us remember that God is in charge and in control of all situations.  He allows us to go through hard times to strengthen us and to cause us to depend on Him—rather than on ourselves or other people—even more.  It is one of the greatest lessons we can learn before Jesus returns to rule and reign, when He will wipe away every tear from our eyes.  We can be very thankful for that! 

Ted’s Favorite Recipes
Nov. 27, 2024
Stock Market

North & Central America Elevation Map
North & Central America Elevation Map

Nov. 26, 2024
Stock Market

Continental USA Elevation Map
Continental USA Elevation Map

The tallest summit in the contiguous lower 48 states is Mount Whitney in California.  It has a height of 14,505 feet (= 4,421 meters) and is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

The lowest area on land in the USA is in Death Valley National Park, also in California.  It is known as Badwater Basin.  It is an endorheic basin with a depth of 282 feet (= 86 meters) below sea level.

Nov. 25, 2024
Stock Market

Today, the special counsel of the Department of Justice, Jack Smith, filed a motion to drop two federal cases against President-elect Donald Trump.  Then U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan dismissed both cases.

One of the dismissals will halt the federal 2020 election interference charges brought against Trump in Washington, DC.  The other dismissal will drop Trump as a co-defendant from the special counsel’s appeal of a ruling in the case over Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents.

Smith is planning to resign before Trump begins his second term as president.  Most likely, he will do this to prevent Trump from delivering on his promise to fire Smith.

Jack Smith files to drop
all federal charges
against Donald Trump
    With D.C. case dismissed,
Trump is no longer under
federal indictment

Nov. 24, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell and her guests, starting with Bill Koenig, discussed the plight of globalism now that the U.S. election will install one who hates the one-worlders.  Ken Mikle and Pastor Josh Schwartz talked to Jenn Nizza about New Age practices in the church.

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.  And from such people turn away! (2 Timothy 3:1-5)




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 58 minutes, can be heard here:

Is the New World Order Now Delayed? — Audio | Video
Nov. 23, 2024

The Hebrew word for Sabbath is Shabbat.  The phrase Shabbat Shalom means “peaceful Sabbath.”  It is used as a greeting on the day of Shabbat and refers to the fact that Shabbat is a day of peaceful rest.

Shabbat Shalom

In the list of Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17), the fourth commandment (20:8-11) tells us to remember the Sabbath day (Shabbat) by keeping it holy.  Counting the days of the week, it specifies that the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week.

Typically, Jews attend their weekly synagogue service on Saturday, the seventh day of the week (and/or on Friday evening, since their seventh day begins after sunset on Friday).  Christians attend their weekly church service on Sunday.  Even though that is the first day of the week, they usually refer to Sunday as their Sabbath day.  Most will say that they want to worship Jesus on the day that He rose from the dead, which was on the first day of the week (Mark 16:9): Sunday.

For decades, I usually have attended worship services in churches on Sundays, even though I do not consider Sunday to be the Sabbath.  Many times, I also have attended Messianic Jewish worship services, which include both Jews who believe that Jesus is the Messiah and also Gentile Christians who believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

Information about how the Catholic/Christian Sabbath was moved from the seventh day to the first day of the week can be found here: the Sabbath.

Nov. 22, 2024
Stock Market

The most common scams will target you through fake emails, text messages, voice calls, letters or even someone who unexpectedly shows up at your front door.  Bank of America has a page at their website, accessible by both members and non-members, that describes several types of scams.  Click on this link to view that page:

Knowledge is a powerful defense.
Check out these trending scams.

You also can click on each of the following for additional information:

It seems too good to be true.
You’re asked for personal information.
You’re asked to pay in an unusual way.
The communication plays with your emotions and pressures you to act immediately.
You’re contacted unexpectedly

Nov. 21, 2024
Stock Market

Trump resigns from McDonald’s
Nov. 20, 2024
Stock Market

President-elect Trump continues to confirm his plan, after taking office in January, to declare a national emergency due to approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants who have entered the U.S. during Biden’s presidency.  Trump also has indicated that his government will implement a massive deportation campaign using military resources.

It is quite possible that there may be legal obstacles to the employment of active-duty military troups to be part of the deportation process.  If so, the National Guard may be allowed to do this.

Tom Homan has been appointed by Trump to serve as border czar after he takes office.  Homan served as acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from January 2017 to June 2018.

Trump confirms plans to declare
national emergency to implement
mass deportation program
    President-elect Trump confirms
plan to use ‘military assets’
in mass deportation campaign

Nov. 19, 2024
Stock Market

Two days ago, President Biden approved Ukraine’s firing missiles, made in the U.S., into Russia.  Yesterday, President Putin accused the U.S. of escalating the war in Ukraine.

Today, on the 1,000th day of the Russia/Ukraine war, Ukraine fired six U.S. ATACMS missiles at a military facility in Russia’s Bryansk region.  Five of the missiles were shot down, while the debris of the sixth missile hit the facility but caused no casualties or damage.

After the missile attack, Putin signed a new nuclear doctrine.  It apparently is a warning to Washington.  It lowers the threshold under which Russia might use atomic weapons to include responding to attacks that threaten its territorial integrity.

Ukraine hits Russia with
US missiles for first time
on war’s 1,000th day
    Putin lowered Russia’s threshold
for a nuclear attack after Ukraine
got approval for deeper strikes

Nov. 18, 2024
Stock Market

For months, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been requesting that the U.S. would allow weapons, given to Ukraine by the U.S., to be used against Russian and North Korean forces inside the Russian region of Kursk.  Yesterday, President Joe Biden granted Ukraine permission to fire long-range U.S. missiles into Russia.

The missiles are Army Tactical Missile Systems or ATACMS.  Each missile can carry a warhead with about 170 kilograms of explosives.  Many of these ballistic missiles are capable of striking targets up to 300 kilometers away.  They could hit hit key targets such as ammunition depots, command centers and troop concentrations within Russia.

Back in September, Vladimir Putin warned that permission for Ukraine to use these weapons would put NATO “at war” with Russia.  He also indicated that if Ukraine were to use the long-range missiles to attack Russia, Moscow would make the appropriate decisions based on the threats.  Today, the Kremlin in Moscow accused Washington, D.C., of escalating the war in Ukraine.

How U.S. Approval of Long-Range
Missiles Striking Russia
Could Alter the Ukraine War
    Russia warns of world
war after Biden’s decision
on missiles for Ukraine

Nov. 17, 2024

In the Beginning God
Nov. 16, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Mark Henry and Alex Newman.  The “deep state” is in a panic because of America’s election.  The end-time plan of God can never be altered, but is it delayed?

We have many weeks before the new administration is sworn in.  What might be the deep state’s evil agenda before and after?  Global government is still their goal.

Jan: “When the time was right, the sea parted, the walls fell down, the lions went hungry, the sun stood still, the waves were calm.  The stone was rolled away, the clouds were parted, the Lord ascended.  And when the time is right, the King of kings will return.  God is never early, He is never late; He’s always right on time, and His plan for you is good.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

So Is the Rapture Now on Hold? — Audio | Video
Nov. 15, 2024
Stock Market

A Christian told me how, over time, he seems to be having some “double-minded” beliefs about Jesus and God.  He feels that it is not good and wonders what I think may be happening:

Double-minded about God

My response can be seen here:

What should I do about my doubts about the existence of God and Jesus?
Nov. 14, 2024
Stock Market

Loco motives
Nov. 13, 2024
Stock Market

In the 2024 election last week, Republicans gained a 53 to 47 majority in the U.S. Senate.  Earlier this year, Mitch McConnell announced that he would step down as the Senate Republican Conference Leader in January 2025.

Senate Republicans had an internal election today for a new Senate Republican and Majority leader, beginning next year.  In a secret ballot vote, John Thune (R-SD) won the vote, beating John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rick Scott (R-FL).  Thune has served in the Senate since 2005.

Republicans Choose John
Thune as New Senate Leader
for Second Trump Era
    John Thune, a former Trump GOP
critic, wins Senate majority
leader post: What we know so far

Nov. 12, 2024
Stock Market

It has been a week since the 2024 U.S. election for president and vice president.  The short-term results were shown the next day, on Nov. 6.  Now, virtually all of the votes have been counted.

Of the 538 total electors, 312 of them have voted for Donald Trump and J. D. Vance, while 226 of them have voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  This is a significant victory for Trump/Vance, since only 270 electoral votes were required to win the election.  Trump/Vance won 58% of the electoral votes and 50.3% of the popular votes, while Harris/Walz won 42% of the electoral votes and 48.1% of the popular votes.  So far, 85.0% of the popular vote has been recorded.

Trump flipped six battleground states that were recorded to have voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.  These states are Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona.

Also, it appears that the new U.S. Senate will contain 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats.  So far, the new U.S. House contains 216 Republicans and 207 Democrats; however, that count is incomplete.

2024 Presidential election votes updated
Click on the image above to see a larger view.

Nov. 11, 2024
Stock Market

Today is the 106th anniversary of Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day.  World War I formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.  Veterans Day is an official public holiday in the U.S.

13-second slideshow

To all the vets out there:  Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your faithfulness.  Many of you have paid an extremely high price for my freedom, and I appreciate that.

If you are an American, remember Veterans Day.  Fly your flag today if you have one, and thank a veteran.

Nov. 10, 2024

This is the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht or “Crystal Night.”  It was a tragic wave of violent attacks against Jewish people and their properties throughout Germany and Austria on November 9 & 10, 1938.

Jewish people, businesses, homes, houses of worship, schools and cemeteries were attacked, vandalized and desecrated during the pogroms.  A pogrom is an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.  The Kristallnacht pogroms were carried out mostly by Nazi paramilitary forces.

During Kristallnacht, over 90 Jews were killed and many more were injured.  More than 7,000 Jewish businesses and at least 1,400 synagogues were destroyed.  Additionally, about 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

Since Hamas’ violent and deadly attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, attacks on Israel have continued.  Also, antisemitism has escalated in many nations of the world.  It seems unlikely that things will be improving anytime soon.

A new Kristallnacht?
Antisemitic violence and
Europe’s responsibility
    Reflections on Kristallnacht
and its Significance in
a Post-October 7th World

Nov. 9, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Tim Mahoney.  A Lifeway Research poll says 98% of churches won’t talk about eschatology or Israel.

Her guests have each produced a film to help Christians understand our times and to show how things are falling into place.  But who is the canary in the coal mine?




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

The Canary in the Coal Mine — Audio | Video
Nov. 8, 2024
Stock Market

In these difficult and uncertain times, it is increasingly important to know God and to develop and maintain an ongoing relationship with Him.  In His Word, the Lord stresses the importance of love, both for Him and for others.  Here are 10 examples:

Click on the image above to see a larger view.

Nov. 7, 2024
Stock Market

Today, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) lowered the target range for the federal funds rate by 0.25% point to the 4.50% to 4.75% range.  The vote to do this was unanimous.  It is the second time this year that the interest rate was cut.  The first time was on Sep. 18.

Next month, on Dec. 18, the Federal Reserve will consider one more interest rate cut.  It will be the last Fed meeting before Donald Trump begins his second term as president in January.

Here's the impact
of the Fed's rate
cut decision today
    The Federal Reserve cuts interest
rates by a quarter point after election.
Here's what that means for you

Nov. 6, 2024
Stock Market

In the 2024 U.S. election for president and vice president, Donald Trump and J. D. Vance were declared the victors over Kamala Harris and Tim Walz last night.  This occurred not long after the voting polls had closed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

There are a total of 538 electoral votes to be counted.  The presidential candidate that ends up with 270 electoral votes will be the official winner of the election.  So far, as of mid-afternoon EST today with about 81% of the expected vote being counted, Trump has 292 electoral votes, which is more than enough to win the election.

Donald Trump is only the second person ever to win non-consecutive presidential elections.  The first person to do this was Grover Cleveland, who won the 1884 and the 1892 presidential elections.  He was the 22nd and the 24th president of the U.S.  Trump, winning the 2016 and 2024 presidential elections, will be the 45th and the 47th president of the U.S.

2024 Presidential election votes
Click on the image above to see a larger view.

Nov. 5, 2024
Stock Market

15-second slideshow

Today is the 2024 United States presidential election day.  People will be voting in every state and in the District of Columbia, and many early votes already have been made over the past few weeks.  Electors will be sent to the United States Electoral College.

These electors will elect a president and vice president for a four-year term (from January 20, 2025, to January 20, 2029).  There are 538 members of the Electoral College.  At least 270 electoral votes are needed to win the election.

Nov. 4, 2024
Stock Market

Nov. 3, 2023

Clock reset from 2:00am to 1:00amDaylight Saving Time ends today, and Standard Time begins.  In states that observe this change, all clocks should be set back one hour.  Many clocks are programmed to reset automatically at 2:00 a.m. back to 1:00 a.m.  The sun will rise earlier in the morning and set earlier in the evening.

Standard Time will continue for just over four months.  On Sunday, March 9, 2025, when Daylight Saving Time will begin again in most states, clocks will be set ahead one hour.  After that, for the next eight months, the sun will rise later in the morning and set later in the evening.

Fall back to Daylight Saving Time
Nov. 2, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Gary Hamrick, Pastor Mark Henry, Pastor Josh Schwartz, and Ken Mikle.  They made an appeal that until Jesus comes, we must push back against the darkness and not let evil prevail—because it will if we don’t act.

Can we stop the advance of outfits like the World Economic Forum and other globalist outfits?  Everything today is in a set-up mode.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 58 minutes, can be heard here:

Until Jesus Comes — Audio | Video
Nov. 1, 2023
Stock Market

The best thing about Halloween is half-priced candy the next day.  I purchased 40.8 ounces (2.55 pounds) of candy today.  Some of it will be going to friends.  I doubt that the texting witch will be eating any. 

5-second slideshow

Oct. 31, 2024
Stock Market

I wonder how many Christians believe that God’s “chosen people” no longer include Israelites and Jews but, exclusively, are the Church of Christian believers.  I do not believe this at all.  By no means will God ever permanently abandon Israel, and His everlasting promises to Israel will take place.  I have written a lengthy commentary to explain all of this and more:

God’s Covenant: with
Israel or the Church?

I also wonder how many Christians know the following things about Jesus (Yeshua or Yahshua in Hebrew):

  • He was a Jew who lived strictly by the Law of the Torah.
  • He came to fulfill the Torah Law, not to abolish it.
  • He observed all of the Hebraic/Jewish feasts, festivals, and holy days in both the Spring and the Fall.
  • He died on Passover.
  • He lay in a tomb during the first part of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
  • He rose from the dead on the Feast of Firstfruits (which has been given the inappropriate name of “Easter”).
  • His Holy Spirit came to Jews at Pentecost, which also was at the Feast of Weeks (or Shavuot).
  • He will appear in the clouds to take believers to be with Him, at the Rapture, on the Feast of Trumpets (or Rosh HaShanah).
  • His second advent back to earth will be on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
  • He will require representatives from all the nations of the world to go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot), each year, throughout the Millennium.
  • His birthday most likely is during the Feast of Tabernacles (late September to mid October), not on the Christianized day of “Christmas” (December 25).

Many Christians celebrate Hebraic/Jewish feasts, festivals, and holy days (see a calendar for the next few years).  It is not because they have converted to Judaism or are “Jewish wannabes.”  Rather, they have come to an understanding that they have been “grafted in” to Israel—with whom God’s original covenant was made—and without Israel, they would be lost.  These and similar topics are taught, in numerous programs, on God’s Learning Channel.

In case you’re wondering why I didn’t say anything about Halloween, it’s because I consider it to be one of many pagan holidays that, unfortunately, too many Christians celebrate.  I am not one of them, although I do have a favorite Halloween photo that I took in Alabama exactly 14 years ago: witch text.  The best thing about Halloween is half-priced candy the next day. 

Incidentally, October 31 also is Reformation Day.  Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517.  It was a protest against the corruption within the Roman Catholic Church, and it was the beginning of Protestantism.  More information can be read here:

Reformation Day and its
Connection to Halloween

A discussion about the Reformation between David Wheaton and Mike Gendron, just under 54 minutes in length, can be heard by clicking on the play button on this page:

Remembering the Reformation
and the War Against It Today

Oct. 30, 2024
Stock Market

The Los Angeles Dodgers are the World Series champions after beating the New York Yankees tonight in game 5.  The game, played in New York, lasted 9 innings.  Had the Yankees won the 5th game, the 6th game would have been played in Los Angeles.

The Dodgers last won the World Series in 2020.  The Yankees last won the World Series in 2009.  Congratulations Dodgers!

The 5th game’s final score was Dodgers 7, Yankees 6.  Here are the scores for the final game Wednesday night and the runs, hits and errors for all of the innings:

Dodgers 7, Yankees 6 in the final game of the 2024 World Series

In the series, the Dodgers won 4 games and the Yankees won 1 game.  Below are some stats and scores for the 5 games.  Click on the links to see the scoreboards for all of the games.

Friday, Oct. 25
Game 1 — Yankees at Dodgers
10 innings
6    3

Saturday, Oct. 26
Game 2 — Yankees at Dodgers
9 innings
4    2

Monday, Oct. 28
Game 3 — Dodgers at Yankees
9 innings
4    2


Tuesday, Oct. 29
Game 4 — Dodgers at Yankees
9 innings
11    4

Wednesday, Oct. 30
Game 5 — Dodgers at Yankees
9 innings
7    6

Oct. 29, 2024
Stock Market

13 most visited US.cities
Oct. 28, 2024
Stock Market

In an email I received, I was asked how God can have a singular and a triune nature at the same time:

God One and Three

My response can be seen here:

How can God be One and Three at the same time?
Oct. 27, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Michele Bachmann.  She states that America is at a tipping point in her history as we are on the precipice of tyranny.  Some left-leaning evangelicals are fine with this.

Because Christians think they are only citizens of Heaven, many will not even engage and surrender by default.  Yet the stakes have never been higher.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 57 minutes, can be heard here:

We’ve Reached the Tipping Point — Audio | Video
Oct. 26, 2024

Israel attack on IranIn the pre-dawn hours very early this morning Middle East time, Israel made three strikes on Iran.  They were in retaliation for a barrage of more than 180 missiles that Iran fired at Israel on Oct. 1.  Most of the missiles Iran fired were intercepted or failed to do much damage.

Today’s complex attack, over several hours, involved dozens of warplanes.  They struck missile manufacturing facilities and surface-to-air-missile defense sites in three different Iranian provinces.  However, Israel did not strike any of Iran’s nuclear sites or oil facilities.

Some reports indicate that Iran has told other countries in the region that it does not intend to respond to the attacks.  Yet, some diplomats in the region fear that today’s strikes have heightened the risk of a miscalculation that could lead to a wider regional war.

Israel limited its
attack on Iran, hoping
to ease tensions for now
    Iran’s supreme leader said
Israel’s attack ‘should not be
exaggerated nor downplayed’

Oct. 25, 2024
Stock Market

World Series schedule 2024
Oct. 24, 2024
Stock Market

15-second slideshow

Today is the annual commemoration of United Nations Day.  It is the 79th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations on October 24, 1945.  The United Nations Charter was adopted and signed on June 26, 1945.

The U.N. is an international organization that was founded to maintain peace and security, promote human rights, and develop friendly relations among the nations of the world.  According to the original charter, the U.N. would focus on preventing future wars, protecting human rights, upholding international law, and promoting social progress and freedom.

Oct. 23, 2024
Stock Market

Tijuana River basinSince October of last year, an astounding 31 billion gallons of raw sewage, polluted stormwater and trash have flowed down the Tijuana River.  Although the river originates in Mexico, the final short section enters San Diego County in California before flowing into the Pacific Ocean.

The raw sewage, polluted stormwater and trash in the river originate from the city of Tijuana, Mexico.  Due to the extreme pollution, numerous San Diego beaches have been closed.  There also are major concerns over putlic health risks, coastal water pollution and the degradationi of the Tijuana River Estuary.

According to the American Rivers organization, the Tijuana River has been named one of the country’s “most endangered” rivers.  The river was ranked No. 9 in the report.  The report claims that more action is needed to fix wastewater treatment plants on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border.

Tijuana River Ranked as
America’s 9th ‘Most Endangered’
Due to Heavy Pollution
    San Diego County plans to go
after companies it thinks
are behind sewage crisis

Oct. 22, 2024
Stock Market

Animals: dad, mom, baby
Oct. 21, 2024
Stock Market

Shout out to fingers
Oct. 20, 2024

God's covenant never broken
Oct. 19, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Mark Hitchcock and Curtis Bowers.  As they state, evil does not want to give up control so close to the finish line.  And more so since all the pieces of their globalist puzzle are falling into place.  They can taste world government.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

The Pieces of the Puzzle Are in Place — Audio | Video
Oct. 18, 2024
Stock Market

It has been confirmed by Hamas that Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, was killed two days ago in Gaza.  Israel had announced his death after he was killed by the Israeli military.

Sinwar was one of the organizers of Hamas’ violent and deadly attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.  That attack began the Israel–Hamas war, which still continues today.

Following the Killing of Yahya Sinwar, a senior Hamas official said that Sinwar’s death would not deter Hamas.  Rather, it would strengthen and fortify their movement.  Also, it was stated that Israeli hostages would not be released until Israel’s war on Gaza ends.

Hamas confirms Yahya
Sinwar’s death, says it will
strengthen its movement
    Hamas confirms Yahya Sinwar’s
death, says hostages won’t be
released until Gaza war ends

Oct. 17, 2024
Stock Market

This is the first full day of the week-long Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot.  It also is a special Sabbath when no regular work is to be done (Leviticus 23:33-35).

15-second slideshow

Sukkot in JerusalemAll native-born Israelites are to construct and to dwell in booths or “sukkot” (which is the plural of booth or “sukkah”) for a week.  This is a reminder to them of the temporary tabernacles in which their Israelite ancestors lived for 40 years after leaving ancient Egypt (Leviticus 23:42,43).

Jesus, whose birth was in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1), most likely was born in a sukkah during Sukkot, not in a stable in December.  The word “tabernacle,” used as a verb, means “to take up temporary residence, especially to inhabit a physical body” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the Only Begotten, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

The words in that verse translated as “made his dwelling” among us are more accurately translated as “did tabernacle” among us.  So Jesus tabernacled with mankind for a few decades while He was here the first time.

Being a Jew, Jesus celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles and even taught in the temple courts during the days of this feast (John 7:1-44).  In the future Messianic era during the Millennium, Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah will return to tabernacle with us again.  Representatives from the nations of the world will go to Jerusalem, where King Yeshua will be sitting on His throne, to observe the Feast of Tabernacles—essentially, a giant birthday celebration for Jesus:

At that time they will call Jerusalem The Throne of the LORD, and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of the LORD.  No longer will they follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts. (Jeremiah 3:17)

The LORD will be king over the whole earth.  On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name. ... Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. (Zechariah 14:9,16)

More information can be found here: Do you think that Jesus was born on December 25 of the Gregorian calendar, or could He have been born at a time that aligned with the Hebraic calendar of feasts and festivals?

Oct. 16, 2024
Stock Market

Tomorrow, Oct. 17, is International ShakeOut Day.  Earthquake drills are scheduled to take place at 10:17 a.m. local time.

There will be Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills worldwide, and millions of people will participate.  Over 10.4 million Californians have signed up to participate.

If you feel shaking or get an alert

What to know about
the Great California
ShakeOut earthquake drill
    A series of earthquakes
has Southern California
shook. Is a big one coming?

Oct. 15, 2024
Stock Market

CLock numbers adding up to 13
Oct. 14, 2023
Stock Market


25-second slideshow

Today is Columbus Day, a U.S. federal holiday.  It also is Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the U.S.  Each year, both are observed on the second Monday in October.

Indigenous Peoples Day and
Columbus Day: Dates and
history to know for 2024

Oct. 13, 2024
Stock Market

The LORD’s name is to be praised
Oct. 12, 2024

Today is the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.  It is the highest holy day and special Sabbath during the Hebraic year.  Today also is the final day of the 40-day season of Teshuvah, a major period of repentance, asking God for forgiveness and returning to a meaningful relationship with Him.

15-second slideshow

God ordained this day in ancient Israel for the high priest to enter the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle, and later in the temple.  He was to make atonement for his sins and for the sins of the people (Leviticus 16:1-34).

Later, God also told Moses that this Day of Atonement was to be a special day of commemoration.  It was to be a day of sacred assembly and a sabbath of rest, a day to deny oneself (for instance, to abstain from eating) and a day to refrain from work (Leviticus 23:26-32).

I have been abstaining from food and liquid since sunset last evening, which is when Yom Kippur began.  I will be fasting for 25 hours.  I have no work to do today (unless typing with my fingertips is considered to be work).

I believe that Yeshua/Jesus will return to earth, to begin to rule and reign, on a future Yom Kippur, at the end of the 70th Week.  Here are two email responses I have written in the past having to do with Yom Kippur:

Oct. 11, 2024
Stock Market

The four Hebraic Spring Festivals/Holy Days were fulfilled during Jesus’ first advent to earth.  Likewise, the three Hebraic Fall Festivals/Holy Days will be fulfilled upon His second advent back to earth.

In particular, His physical descent to earth, to rule and reign, will take place on a future Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), in conjunction with the blowing of the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11:15-17.  Here is an email response in which I explain why:

Yom Kippur this year begins at sunset this evening and continues through tomorrow.  I am convinced that Jesus will not be returning back to earth tonight or tomorrow.  That will take place on a Yom Kippur in the future.

Oct. 10, 2024
Stock Market

The extremely powerful and destructive Hurricane Milton has crossed completely over Florida.  As a major hurricane, it caused a large tornado outbreak, widespread flooding, and power outages to millions of people.

Milton now is an extratropical storm traveling east in the Atlantic Ocean.  It should have no negative effects on any other states.

Samaritan’s Purse
Click on the image above to see a larger view.

For decades, countless members of Samaritan’s Purse have traveled, not just in the United States but all over the world, to help people following catastrophic disasters of all types.  They recently went out to help (and continue to help) those who experienced destructive effects from Hurricane Helene.

Samaritan’s Purse is located in Boone, North Carolina.  Boone and surrounding towns had a great deal of damage from Hurricane Helene.  To contribute to this humanitarian organization, go here:

Samaritan’s Purse | https://samaritanspurse.org
Oct. 9, 2024
Stock Market

The Draconids meteor shower occurs when the earth passes through bits of ice and rock left behind by the comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.  The Draconids are named after the Draco constellation, which can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere when looking in the north by northwest portion of the sky.  The meteors appear to come approximately from the location of this constellation.

This meteor shower usually peaks around Oct. 8.  However, it can be seen during the nighttime hours, from Oct. 6 to Oct. 10.  The best viewing will be after the sun and moon have set and the sky is very dark.  It also is best to be as far away as possible from city lights when looking for the meteors in the sky.  This year, compared to more recent years, there may be more than the usual number of meteors to see.  Click on the sky map below to see a larger view.

Draconids meteor shower
Oct. 8, 2024
Stock Market

Hurricane Milton Hurricane Milton
Powerful Hurricane Milton is churning in the southern Gulf of Mexico.  It was only a tropical storm a couple of days ago.  Yesterday, it reached Category 2 strength and then, in only a few hours, a very strong Category 5 strength.  For awhile, it had sustained winds of 175 mph, but later it reached sustained winds of 180 mph.

Hurricane Milton is moving toward the central western coast of Florida.  However, it is expected to weaken somewhat, possibly to Category 3 strength (which still is a major hurricane), before it makes landfall.  It most likely will move onshore tomorrow night, Oct. 9, near Tampa.

The greatest impacts from Milton will be storm surges, high winds and rainfall.  Storm surges from Milton are expected to raise water levels and create large and destructive waves.  Rainfall is expected to add to the destruction, with some portions of the state seeing up to 15 inches of rain.  There also is a risk for moderate to major river flooding.

Florida still is recovering from Hurricane Helene.  On Sep. 26, it made landfall on the northwestern coast in the Big Bend area as a very strong Category 4 storm.  The storm continued into Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee.  Some towns were utterly destroyed, and hundreds of people died.

Hurricane Milton grows
‘explosively’ stronger
with 180-mph winds
    Hurricane Milton intensifies
into Category 5 storm,
takes aim at Florida

Oct. 7, 2024
Stock Market

This is the first anniversary of the beginning of the calamitous and deadly Israel–Hamas war on Oct. 7, 2023.  It began with a rocket attack by Hamas on Israel and Hamas militants crossing the barrier between Gaza and Israel and attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases.

This took place on Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, a very holy day in Israel.  It was the day, on which a sacred assembly was held, immediately following the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot (Leviticus 23:34-36).

Each year, it is supposed to be a day filled with joy and celebration.  Last year, tragically, it was exactly the opposite of that.  This year, that day will be Oct. 24.  It will follow the week-long Feast of Sukkot from Oct. 17 to 23.

Oct. 6, 2024

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Gary Kah.  The globalists are rushing to their new world order.  Not even a U.S. election will stand in their way.  Now is their time.



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

All We Need Is a Crisis — Audio | Video
Oct. 5, 2024

15-second slideshow

Today is Shabbat Shuvah, which means “Sabbath of Return.”  It always is the weekly Sabbath/Shabbat between Rosh haShanah (the Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).  Shabbat Shuvah also is a play on the phrase “Shabbat Teshuvah” or Sabbath of Repentance.

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.  Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:6-9)

This is a day of reflection leading up to the highest holy day of Yom Kippur, which is a week from now on Oct. 12 (and begins at sunset on Oct. 11).  It is a time of penitence, seeking reconciliation with God, knowing that we have fallen short of His high expectations.

Shabbat Shuvah always takes place during Yamim Nora’im or Days of Awe.  These are the final 10 days of the season of Teshuvah.

Oct. 4, 2024
Stock Market

Hunger and thirst for righteousness
Oct. 3, 2024
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15-second slideshow

Today is the Feast of Trumpets, which actually began yesterday evening at sunset.  It also is the Jewish New Year or Rosh haShanah, which means “head of the year.”  Furthermore, it is the first sliver of a new moon (see October 2024 Moon Phases), which takes place on the first day of every Hebrew month.  This is the month of Tishrei or Tishri, the first month on the Jewish secular calendar and the seventh month on the Jewish religious calendar.

Say to the Israelites: “On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts.  Do no regular work, but present an offering made to the LORD by fire.” (Leviticus 23:24,25)

shofar or ram's hornGod ordained that trumpet blasts should be heard on the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24; Numbers 29:1).  This referred to blasts from a shofar or ram’s horn, which still is done today.  In Jewish tradition, the final shofar blown on the Feast of Trumpets is known as “the last shofar.”

The first ten days of the first month of Tishrei, on the Hebrew calendar, are the “high holy days.”  They often are called the “days of awe” (Yamim Nora’im) or the Ten Days of Repentance.  It is a time to examine one’s ways, to repent from one’s sins and to return fully to God.

This period ends on Tishrei 10, the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur, which is the highest holy day during the Jewish year.  I feel that the Rapture of believers most likely will occur on a future Feast of Trumpets (see the day and hour unknown section).  I also feel that Jesus most likely will return to earth on a future Yom Kippur, to rule and reign for 1,000 years (the Millennium).

Oct. 2, 2024
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The first and only vice presidential debate between Ohio Senator J. D. Vance and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz took place last night.  It was hosted at the CBS News studio in New York City.  Anchors Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan moderated the debate.

The debate began at 9 p.m. Eastern time = 6 p.m. Pacific time.  It lasted about 1 hour 40 minutes and included two commercial breaks.

Oct. 1, 2024
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Every Oct. 1, often referred to as “Shocktober 1st” in southern California, I’m always reminded of the 5.9 Whittier Narrows earthquake in 1987.  It happened at 7:42 a.m., just as I was finishing breakfast before going to work.

My house in Irvine was about 40 miles from the epicenter, and it rocked for several seconds but did no damage to my property.  The quake was felt throughout southern California and southern Nevada.

I was watching the morning news out of Los Angeles.  A few minutes after the main shock, there was a small aftershock, which I did not feel.

I remember watching two of the news guys, Kent Shocknek and Christopher Nance.  They got freaked out due to the shaking and the swaying lights, caused by the aftershock, and jumped under their desk.  You can watch a short David Letterman video where he talked about it and then showed a video of what happened.

I also felt a 5.3 aftershock three days later.  Then life went on as usual.  Here is a video, under 5 minutes, showing damage from the initial quake on Oct. 1 and from the aftershock on Oct. 4: SoCal Whittier Narrows Earthquakes (1987).

I have felt numerous earthquakes before then and since then.  Here is a page with a great deal of information about earthquakes, what to do to prepare for them, and what to do when they occur:

Be Prepared: Household Earthquake Safety Tips
and Helpful Home Modifications to Consider

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