Ted’s Remarks About Stuff
April thru June, 2022

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June 30, 2022
Stock Market

Migrants crossing over the U.S. southern borderThe U.S. Supreme Court made their final rulings of the 2021-22 session today.  The final ruling, in Biden v. Texas, was that the Biden administration was not in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act to terminate the “Remain in Mexico” program, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols or MPP.

The court ruled that the federal government’s rescission of MPP did not violate the Immigration and Naturalization Act.  Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the court’s liberal-leaning justices in the 5-4 vote.

In his first days in office, Biden instructed the Department of Homeland Security to evaluate the policy, which ceased MPP enforcement in February 2021.  However, six months later, a Texas judge ordered that the policy be re-implemented.  Attempts by the Biden administration to stay enforcement until a final judgment in federal court were denied.  Today, the highest federal court ruled in Biden’s favor.

Most likely, the revocation of the MPP policy will result in a significant increase in illegal migrants entering the U.S.  Included within the 1.5 million migrants crossing over the southern border since Biden became president, countless terrorists have been entering.  It should not be surprising if horrific terror attacks begin happening in the U.S.

Supreme Court rules for Biden
in clash over Trump-era
‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
    Supreme Court rules
Biden can end Trump
‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Earlier this year, Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer announced that he would be retiring.  Today, he officially stepped down from his seat on the highest court in the land.

On Apr. 7, the U.S. Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace Breyer.  Today, Brown was sworn in to be the 116th justice on the Supreme Court.

June 29, 2022
Stock Market

Migrants dead in tractor-trailer truck Migrants dead in tractor-trailer truck
Day before yesterday, dozens of people were mercilously abandoned and found dead inside and outside of a tractor-trailer truck southeast of San Antonio, Texas.  At least 16 others were taken to hospitals.  So far, 53 deaths have occurred, and that number could rise.  The outside temperature that day had been 103°, while the temperature inside of the truck was at least 125°.

This was due to a migrant smuggling attempt into the United States.  The majority of the migrants are believed to be from from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.  Two Mexican nationals living illegally in the U.S. have been charged with firearm offenses.  A third man, who is believed to be the driver of the tractor-trailer truck, also reportedly was arrested and charged with human smuggling.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said that a city worker at the scene was alerted to the situation by cries for help shortly before 6:00 p.m. Monday evening.  Officers arrived to find a body on the ground outside the trailer and a partially opened gate to the trailer.  Fire Chief Charles Hood said that of the 16 taken to hospitals with heat-related illnesses, 12 were adults and four were children.  The patients were hot to the touch and dehydrated, and no water was found in the trailer.

This appears to be the deadliest tragedy among thousands who have died attempting to cross the U.S. border from Mexico in recent decades.  “Migrants seeking asylum should always be treated as a humanitarian crisis, but this evening we’re facing a horrific human tragedy,” San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg said in a Tweet on Monday night.  “I urge you to think compassionately, pray for the deceased, the ailing, and their families at this moment,” he added.

The need for immigration reform at the U.S. southern border is vital.  Governor Greg Abbott blames President Biden and his immigration policies for this horrific human tragedy.  “These deaths are on Biden,” Abbott wrote.  “They are a result of his deadly open border policies.  They show the deadly consequences of his refusal to enforce the law.

Wed. 9:23 a.m.: San Antonio
migrant deaths lead to
slow effort to ID victims
    Texas tractor-trailer migrant deaths:
Two Mexican nationals living in US
illegally hit with weapons charges
'They were suffering': 50 migrants
dead after being trapped in tractor-
trailer outside San Antonio, Texas
    ‘Deaths are on Biden’:
Abbott blames Biden for
tractor-trailer migrant deaths

June 28, 2022
Stock Market

Landers and Big Bear quakes, June 28, 1992Living in California, I have felt numerous earthquakes.  However, only once have I felt two big earthquakes on the same day.  That was on June 28, 1992, exactly thirty years ago today.

The first quake was the 7.3 Landers earthquake, occurring at 4:57 a.m.  The second quake was the 6.5 Big Bear earthquake, occurring at 8:05 a.m.

Mission Bay, San Diego, CAMy friend Barry had rented a beach house for a couple of weeks in Mission Beach, San Diego, and invited another friend and me to join him.  We were located on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and Mission Bay.

The day we moved in, which was the day before the two quakes, I pointed out that the land on that peninsula probably would shake significantly during an earthquake.  Early the next morning, we discovered that, indeed, this was the case.  Fortunately, having lived in Orange County (the next county north) for a long time, I had been conditioned to expect such a “seismic surprise” at anytime.

I was awakened almost instantly after the shaking began.  After 10-15 seconds of feeling like I was atop a rubber raft in a very wavy pool, I jumped out of bed and ran to Barry’s room to warn him of the quake, if he was not aware, in case the shaking got worse.  Being a very light sleeper as I am, he was quite awake and aware.

Within 10 seconds, I was back in my “life raft” bed, riding out the remainder of nature’s rolling wonder for at least another minute.  Fortunately, since we were about 125 miles from the epicenter, there was no damage where we were.  It was the largest quake in the 48 contiguous states in the forty years prior to 1992.

Just over three hours later, we could tell a second series of shock waves was arriving, due to the clanking dishes in the kitchen cabinet and jiggling rabbit ears on the TV set.  The epicenter of that quake was about 22 miles northwest of the first quake’s epicenter.  Although it did not last as long as the first one, it was somewhat rougher and more jolty.  Many desert and mountain communities in Southern California experienced severe damage from both quakes.

The coffee mug I was holding had an earthquake fault engraved around it, along with the printed words, “Official California Earthquake Mug.”  I had given it to Barry the previous year for his birthday, and he happened to have brought it with him.  After the shaking subsided, we both got a good laugh out of that.

June 27, 2022
Stock Market

There have been increasing numbers of reports of coyote attacks in Orange County.  Usually, the attacks are on other animals.  This includes dogs while being walked by their owners, as well as people’s pets in their backyards after the coyotes climb over the fences.

However, even people are being attacked by coyotes.  This includes a 2-year-old girl who was attacked at Mile Square Regional Park in Foutain Valley last week.  Fortunately, the little girl was able to be treated at a hospital and is recovering.

My friend JoAnne and I were at that park recently (see my June 16 entry).  Although we have walked her three dogs there many times, the dogs were not with us that day.

She has become more apprehensive about walking the dogs there and in other places.  Over the past year, there have been a great many reports of dogs, cats and other animals in the area being attacked by coyotes.

2-year-old girl attacked by
Coyote at Fountain Valley park

June 26, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Mark Henry.  They talked about how we have a crisis in the world, in families and in the church.

As society has caused an upset in almost every part of our lives, it most definitely has affected our families.  As a result, many family members, and even many church members, are dysfunctional.

It is very important that a family is led by a man who adheres to godly and biblical principles and who passes them on to his wife and children.  It also is very important that a church leader has these same principles and passes them on to the members of the congregation.



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

We have a crisis — Audio | Video

Most who adhere to a Pre-tribulation Rapture view believe that the Holy Spirit is the restrainer in 2 Thessalonians 2:6,7 who, through believers in the Church, is holding back the man of lawlessness or Antichrist.  However, I am convinced that the restrainer is the archangel Michael.

June 25, 2022

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed gun safety legislation by a vote of 231-194, which included 14 Republicans siding with Democrats.  It had passed the Senate the night before by a vote of 65-33, which included 15 Republicans voting for the measure.

Some things that it does are the following:

  • enhances background checks for gun buyers under 21 years of age;
  • provides billions of dollars for mental health services and to harden schools;
  • closes the so-called “boyfriend loophole” to prevent convicted domestic abusers from purchasing firearms for five years;
  • provides $750 million in grants to incentivize states to implement crisis intervention programs;
  • clarifies the definition of a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer; and
  • creates criminal penalties for straw purchases and gun trafficking.

Many Republicans have argued that this legislation was part of an effort to erode law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights.  Today President Biden signed the legislation, called The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, into law.

U.S. Congress
passes bipartisan
gun safety bill
    House passes historic
gun legislation, sends
to Biden’s desk

June 24, 2022
Stock Market

Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade
In a long-awaited decision this morning, the Supreme Court has overturned the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision.  That 1973 decision legalized abortion throughout the U.S.

Today’s 5-4 vote also has overturned the Planned Parenthood vs. Casey decision.  That 1992 decision said that state laws restricting abortion should not impose an “undue” burden on women seeking the procedure.

Chief Justice Roberts joined 5 associate justices in upholding the Mississippi anti-abortion law, banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.  However, he disagreed with overturning Roe vs. Wade.

These rulings today do not actually “ban” all abortions nationwide.  Rather, they turn over the decision to allow or not to allow abortions to individual states.

While recent polling has found the majority of Americans wanted Roe v. Wade to be upheld, the decision will allow 22 states to implement total or near-total abortion restrictions.  Those states include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Supreme Court overturns
Roe v. Wade in
landmark opinion
    Supreme Court overturns
Roe v. Wade, leaves
issue up to states

June 23, 2022
Stock Market

Prior to today, the U.S. Supreme Court’s last two rulings on the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution were the following:

Supreme Court arguments on a major gun rights law in New York State began back in November 2021.  This morning, the Supreme Court made another Second Amendment ruling, one of its final rulings for this year.  The justices ruled 6-3 to strike down the New York gun permit law, calling it unconstitutional.

The law has required New Yorkers wanting a permit to carry handguns outside of their homes—that is, in public—to show “proper cause” that the weapons are needed specifically for the purpose of self-defense.  Justice Clarence Thomas said that this requirement “violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms in public.

Besides New York, this ruling likely will affect a few other states with similar gun-permit laws.  These include California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

Supreme Court overturns
New York law on carrying
concealed weapons
    Supreme Court expands
gun rights in major
Second Amendment ruling

June 22, 2022
Stock Market

In a speech this afternoon, President Biden called on Congress to vote to suspend federal gasoline taxes for 90 days.  He also is asking for gas stations to begin cutting their gas prices immediately, as the price of oil has fallen over $10 per barrel in the past couple of weeks.

This “gas tax holiday” would last into September, basically for the remainder of the summer.  Biden’s requests come as gas prices are at a record high nationwide average of about $5.00 per gallon for regular gas.  The federal tax on regular gas is 18.4 cents per gallon and on diesel gas is 24.4 cents per gallon.

However, the federal gas tax cut may not have enough support to pass in Congress.  So far, for various reasons, Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Tom Carper (D-DE) and Mitch McConnell (R-MO), as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), oppose the federal gas tax suspension.  For one thing, doing so would cut funding for federal highway construction.

Many say, instead, that Biden should allow domestic oil production to be increased.  They feel that this would result in a significantly larger gasoline supply and would be a much better way to reduce gas prices.

Biden endorses gas tax
pause, tells pump operators
to cut prices ‘now’
    US manufacturers slam Biden’s
gas tax holiday, call for
more domestic oil production

June 21, 2022
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

In most of the northern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice happened today.  For most places, the sun will be at its highest point in the sky today, which will have the most number of daylight hours of any day during the year.  This is because the earth’s north pole will be more inclined toward the sun than it is on any other day of the year.

The Summer Solstice occurred this morning in North America at 5:14 a.m. EDT (= 2:14 a.m. PDT).  That is when Summer officially began.

June 20, 2022

Yellowstone National Park is one of my most favorite places in the world.  When I was a kid, my parents took us there many times on family trips.

Since then, I’ve gone there many times with various friends.  I never could get enough of all the wild animals, geysers, amazing scenery and other things in Yellowstone and also in Grand Teton National Park nearby.

The last time I was there, with a couple of friends, was exactly 20 years ago this month.  Some of the photos that I took can be viewed on the following pages.  You can click on any photo to see a larger view.

Yellowstone National Park | Grand Teton National Park

Last week, devastating flooding took place along the Yellowstone River.  The U.S. Geological Survey said that it was a 1 in 500-year event.

Due to extreme rain and the rapid melting of snow, water burst over the banks of rivers in parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.  Many bridges and large sections of roadways were destroyed and swept away.

Over 10,000 tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park were forced to evacuate.  All of the park entrances have been closed for days.  Parts of Yellowstone will reopen this week, but portions of the park could remain closed for months.

Yellowstone River flooding is a
1 in 500-year event, USGS says;
National Park to partly reopen
    Yellowstone National Park
to partially reopen Wednesday
after destructive flooding

June 19, 2022

My dad is in heaven, and I look forward with great anticipation to seeing him again one day.  My heavenly Father gave me the best earthly father and role model that I ever could have had.

For all of you other dads:  HAPPY FATHER’S DAY, and God bless you for doing all the great and wonderful things that you do for your families. 

13-second slideshow

June 18, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the first portion of the program with author and illustrator Todd Hampson and the second portion of the program with author and associate pastor David Fiorazo.  They all considered some issues related to today’s church, as well as a “social gospel” that appears to be approved by society but is not pleasing to God (Galatians 1:8-10).

Even the secular world has noted that major things are going wrong in our world.  Shouldn’t the church be offering explanations of both our present times and things to come?  Why have many churches dropped the glorious news that King Jesus is coming?

Virtually all believers will acknowledge that biblical prophecy about the first coming of Christ was fulfilled literally, just as it was foretold to happen.  As such, there is no reason why we now should switch to different revelatory views such as allegoricalism and symbolism.  God literally means what He says and says what He means.



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

Apocalypse is in the Air — Audio | Video

I absolutely agree that believers in Jesus will be rescued from the coming wrath of God, via a Rapture event.  Those who believe in a Pre-tribulation view of the Rapture feel that the entire final 7 years of this age is the “hour of trial” (Revelation 3:10), during which God’s wrath will come upon the whole world.

However, the first reference in Revelation to the “wrath” of God does not appear until the final two verses of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:16,17).  I believe that God’s wrath will encompass only the Seventh Seal (including the seven Trumpet Judgments) and the seven Bowl Judgments.  For various reasons, I do not support a Pre-trib view but, rather, a Pre-wrath Rapture view.  My email responses to people about these topics can be found in my Rapture Questions & Responses section.

I also have many firm views about the book of Revelation.  These are included in my lengthy 3-part commentary: The Chronology of Revelation.

June 17, 2022

Millions of migrants have been crossing over the southern U.S. border since Joe Biden became president.  Biden halted border wall construction almost immediately after he was inaugurated.  A huge number of migrants have been able to cross over and escape into the country, as there are not nearly enough border agents to detain them.

Just this year, there have been well over a million migrant encounters at the border.  According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, these are the numbers of migrant encounters during the first five months of this year:

• Jan. 2022:
• Feb. 2022:
• Mar. 2022:
• Apr. 2022:
• May 2022:

The number of migrant encounters in May (last month) is the highest ever recorded in one month.  Most of the migrants have come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru.

Migrant encounters at southern
border hit new record in May,
as numbers keep rising
    Migrant encounters hit
another high, over 100K
removed under Title 42

June 16, 2022
Stock Market

A few days ago, between going to Sam’s Club and Costco, we spent some time in Mile Square Regional Park in Foutain Valley.  We didn’t take the time to walk around the whole park (4 miles total), which we have done many times before.

Mainly, we spent time near the lake.  We really enjoyed seeing all of the interesting birds walking and lying around and swimming in the water.  Most of them are very comfortable being around people.

It is one of my favorite parks.  I used to work near there from 1979 to 1991, and co-workers and I sometimes went there to sit and eat lunch and/or to walk around.




50-second slideshow

June 15, 2022
Stock Market

Today the Federal Reserve Board hiked interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point (0.75% point).  It is the largest one-time rate increase since 1994.  The Fed’s attempt is to curb the highest inflation in the U.S. since 1981.

To fight sky-high inflation, the Federal
Reserve just raised interest rates three times
faster than usual — and the most since 1994
    Fed hikes rates by 0.75
percentage point, biggest
increase since 1994

June 14, 2022
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

Happy Flag Day, fellow Americans!  This commemorates the adoption of the U.S. flag on June 14, 1777, 245 years ago.

The History of Flag Day

Proudly display a flag on your house or on your desk at work today.  Here are places where the U.S. flag can be flown 24 hours a day, every day of the year:

  • Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
    Baltimore, Maryland (Presidential Proclamation No.2795, July 2, 1948)
  • Flag House Square (Mary Pickersgill's "Star Spangled" House)
    Baltimore Maryland (Public Law 83-319, approved March 26, 1954)
  • United States Marine Corp Memorial (Iwo Jima)
    Arlington, Virginia (Presidential Proclamation No.3418, June 12, 1961)
  • On the Green of the Town of Lexington
    Massachusetts (Public Law 89-335, approved November 8, 1965)
  • The White House
    Washington, DC. (Presidential Proclamation No.4000, September 4. 1970)
  • Washington Monument
    Washington, DC. (Presidential Proclamation No.4064, July 6,1971, effective July 4, 1971)
  • United States Customs Ports of Entry
    which are continually open (Presidential Proclamation No.4131, May 5, 1972)
  • Grounds of the National Memorial Arch in Valley Forge State Park
    Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (Public Law 94-53, approved July 4, 1975)

Also, the United States Army is 247 years old today.  It was formed on June 14, 1775, to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783).

June 13, 2022
Stock Market

I was about a mile west of Disneyland last evening watching the fireworks display that they have there every night.  I have not done that in quite awhile.  They used to be a lot higher in the sky, and various trees did not block the view.

However, at some point, they moved the fireworks further east.  They no longer appear as high in the sky, and several trees partially obstruct the view.  A few of the shots are below.

15-second slideshow

June 12, 2022

My friend and I went to the Costco in Cypress over 2 weeks ago, on May 26, to have food and drink samples for lunch.  It doesn’t take much to satisfy our appetites.

Yesterday, she invited me to both Sam’s Club in Fountain Valley and to Costco in Cypress to have “double lunch” samples.  I couldn’t pass that up, since I was just planning to eat a few leftovers for lunch.

I think we got to Sam’s Club a little too early, at 11:15 a.m., because they didn’t have as many samples as they usually do after noon.  We did a walk in Mile Square Regional Park and then got to Costco at 2:00 p.m.  They had a lot of free samples, and I think we tried all of them.  As usual, there wasn’t anything I didn’t like. 




50-second slideshow

June 11, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Michele Bachmann at Regent University.  They talked about how the globalist agenda is not a conspiracy theory.  It is a reality.

They explained what presently is happening in the world, both in the open and behind the scenes.  It is following the predicted biblical outline of things to come.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently met in Davos, Switzerland, May 22-26, 2022.  Attendees included WEF founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, along with several global leaders and elites.  Bachmann is convinced that their goal is the control of people worldwide.  This includes tracking everything that we do and, ultimately, a one-world government that will require submission by all.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 57 minutes, can be heard here:

It’s Not a Conspiracy — Audio | Video
June 10, 2022
Stock Market

The national average for regular gasoline now is $5.00 per gallon, according to GasBuddy.  The average for regular in the most expensive state, California, is $6.40 per gallon.

Below are shots of the prices at one Arco station in Anaheim.  The prices are from the beginning of June through today.  Basically, on the average, there has been an increase of $0.10 per gallon every few days.

10-second slideshow

June 9, 2022
Stock Market

Earlier this week, primary elections took place in some states—including here in California, the most populous state.  There will be other primary elections prior to the national mid-term election, which happens on November 8.

Primary Election Results
for California, Iowa,
New Mexico and Other States
    These Election Results Should
Have Democrats Scared Out
of Their Wits Right Now

June 8, 2022
Stock Market

Early this morning in Maryland, a young man was arrested and charged with the planned murder of Brett Kavanaugh, an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  The suspect is Nicholas John Roske, 26, from Simi Valley, California.

After taking a taxi to Kavanaugh's home at about 1:05 a.m., Roske saw a pair of deputy U.S. Marshals standing next to their parked vehicle.  Then Roske, carrying his backpack and suitcase, turned and walked down the street.

Not long thereafter, Roske called 911 from his cell phone.  He stated his name and reported that he was having suicidal thoughts, had a firearm with him, and was planning to “kill a specific United States Supreme Court justice” (i.e., Kavanaugh).  At about 1:50 a.m., he was arrested.

Roske had an initial U.S. District Court appearance this afternoon in Greenbelt, Maryland.  If tried and convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison.

Man arrested near Kavanaugh's house wanted to
kill him over upcoming Supreme Court decisions
on abortion, gun rights: court documents
    Nicholas John Roske, Brett
Kavanaugh Suspect: 5 Fast
Facts You Need to Know

Back on March 4, 2020, when Senator Chuck Schumer was the Senate minority leader, he spoke at a rally in front of the Supreme Court building while arguments concerning a Lousiana abortion access law were being heard inside.  While pointing toward the Supreme Court, Schumer made threatening remarks to Associate Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh: “I wanna tell you Gorsuch, I wanna tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price!  You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions!

Every Supreme Court justice is appointed by a U.S. president for life.  No justice is ever elected.  Therefore, Schumer’s words “you will pay the price” could not refer to losing a future election as it could for any politician.

Later that day, Chief Justice Roberts issued a rare statement rebuking Senator Schumer for his comments about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.  After quoting the threats made by Schumer, Roberts said, “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.

Schumer’s threatening remarks can be heard in the video below (from 0.45 to 1.04).  Many now are pointing out that, since the Supreme Court is expected to rule on a major Roe vs. Wade decision soon, Schumer’s remarks could have motivated Nicholas Roske to travel across the country to Kavanaugh’s house with the attempt to kill him.  Depending on the court’s upcoming decision, potentially there could be further attempts to harm or kill Supreme Court justices.

Republicans are pointing fingers at Chuck Schumer's
"you will pay the price" comments after the arrest
of an armed man near Brett Kavanaugh's home

June 7, 2022
Stock Market

My friend JoAnne hadn’t walked her three dogs in their favorite park for awhile.  This past weekend, she asked me if I’d like to go with them to the El Dorado dog park in Long Beach.  Of course, I said that I did.

Along the way, the street went through a lot of Jacaranda trees with purple blossoms.  We always like seeing them this time of year.

Near where we parked, there was an archery range.  I snapped a few pics of some targets and some arrows in one of the targets.  I didn’t see anyone there who had shot those arrows.

Her dogs really like to meet new dogs, and all of them are very friendly.  We were surprised that there weren’t as many people and dogs there as there usually are, but we still had a great time.




1-minute slideshow
June 6, 2022
Stock Market

This is the 78th anniversary of the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944.  Often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a 6½-minute speech, including a lengthy prayer, for those involved in the invasion:

June 5, 2022

Pentecost, Shavuot, Feast of WeeksToday is the Christian celebration of Pentecost, exactly seven weeks following Jesus’ Resurrection Day (Easter Sunday).  At the first Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), the disciples of Jesus (Yeshua) were filled, supernaturally, with the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) and spoke in other “tongues.”  Other God-fearing Jews, who had gathered there from many other nations, heard these men declaring the wonders of God in their own languages (2:5,6,11).

The first Pentecost corresponded to the Jewish celebration of Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:15-22).  On this day, a firstfruits of the wheat harvest was offered to God.

In most years (with last year and this year being exceptions), most calendars usually list Shavuot a few days before Pentecost due to the way the fifty days are counted from Passover week, referred to as the “counting of the Omer.”  I believe the fifty-day calculation is made erroneously by most, as explained in this email response:

On the day of Pentecost, Jews “from every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5) had returned to Jerusalem (following the commandment of Deuteronomy 16:16), indicating that they already had been widely dispersed among the nations by that time.  Today, the dispersion is even greater.

After Pentecost, the apostles performed many wonders and miraculous signs (Acts 2:43).  They were the “firstfruits” of all who would receive many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Anyone who is filled by the Spirit of God can receive some of these gifts from God as well.  Each of us is nothing, but God can make something out of nothing with the Power of His Holy Spirit.

June 4, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley.  They discussed the coming great global Reset.

They believe that the Reset is the Tribulation and that we are seeing a run-up to that today.  They also agree that anyone who doesn’t realize that the great Reset is the biggest threat to our way of life right now hasn’t been paying attention.

We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the old world order.  The global elite are awaiting the next global crisis to help them implement their one-world plans in a new world order.  Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, has stated, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.

A dark Reset is on the horizon.  Current events appear to be pointing to the Antichrist and his coming world empire.  Satan will give this “beast” of a man authority over the world for 42 months (Revelation 13:4,5).

Fortunately, a biblical Reset will take place after that.  This will be the Millennium, during which the world will be ruled righteously and justly by Jesus, since the only one who can Reset the world is the one who made the world.  That will be followed by a new heaven and a new earth in the eternal realm.



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

The Next Crisis Awaits — Audio | Video
June 3, 2022
Stock Market

Queen Elizabeth IIYesterday was the first of four days of celebrations to mark the Platinum Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth II.  At 96, she is the longest-living and longest-reigning British monarch.

Elizabeth began reigning as queen regent of the United Kingdom and other commonwealth countries when her father, King George VI, died on February 6, 1952.  The Coronation of Elizabeth II took place on June 2, 1953.

Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum
Jubilee is underway: Everything
to know about the celebrations
    Queen Elizabeth II's
Platinum Jubilee,
in photos

June 2, 2022
Stock Market

The national average for regular gasoline now is $4.67 per gallon, according to AAA.  This average is 44¢ per gallon higher than it was on Mar. 31, when President Biden announced the largest-ever release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

The average for regular in the most expensive state, California, is $6.19 per gallon.  Below are shots of the prices at four gas stations this week in Orange County.  Some stations with the same name have different prices, depending on the cities where they are located.

13-second slideshow

June 1, 2022
Stock Market

Recently, on American Family Radio, I heard an interesting podcast with Wil Addison and Meeke Addison.  They are a married couple with 5 children.

Wil and Meeke discussed the biblical concept of forgiveness as it applies to a Christian marriage.  They each presented superb explanations about how important it is for married partners to make forgiveness an essential component of their relationship.

I feel that many of their points also apply to other relationships between family members and friends.  Having a strong focus on God and His Word is essential for a relationship to be very meaningful, productive and fruitful.  The Addison’s 28-minute podcast can be heard here:

May 31, 2022
Stock Market

Hurricane Agatha Hurricane Agatha
A history-making hurricane came onshore yesterday afternoon on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico.  It is the strongest hurricane ever to come on land in May from the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Hurricane Agatha is the first hurricane of the 2022 hurricane season, which lasts from May 15 through November 30.  It came ashore in the Mexican state of Oaxaca as a strong Category 2 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph.

However, after soon passing over mountainous terrain, it quickly lost power as it continued moving inland.  Late last night, after causing a great deal of torrential rains and heavy winds, it was downgraded to a tropical storm.

The remnants of Agatha most likely will move into the Caribbean sea.  There is a 50% chance of redeveloping into a tropical system near the Yucatan Peninsula later this week.

Pacific season’s
1st hurricane makes
landfall in Mexico
    Agatha downgraded to a tropical storm
after making landfall in southern
Mexico as a Category 2 hurricane

May 30, 2022

13-second slideshow

Happy Memorial Day!  I have a great deal of respect, admiration and appreciation for all of those who have fought, and often paid the ultimate sacrifice, for our independence and freedom in the U.S.

Day at the beach

On June 6, 1984, President Ronald Reagan gave an important address at the ceremony commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings or D-Day.  He had flown to Normandy to give his outstanding speech.  It lasted almost 13½ minutes and can be seen and heard below.

May 29, 2022

Meteor shower late at nightThe Tau Herculids meteor shower may be seen late tomorrow night, Monday May 30 (Memorial Day) and into early the next morning, Tuesday May 31.  Astronomers are calling it an “all or nothing” event.  It could be a “meteor storm” or barely a small “meteor shower.”

The 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann or “SW3” comet orbits the sun every 5.4 years.  In 1995, astronomers realized that the SW3 comet had shattered into several pieces and has continued to fragment since then.

The speed that the debris from the comet strikes the Earth’s atmosphere will determine the intensity of the meteor shower that we view.  If the debris is moving very fast, the shower could be spectacular; however, if it is moving very slowly, there could be almost no meteors seen.

One potentially positive factor will be a new moon, as there will be no moonlight to wash out the faint meteors.  The best place to look is high in the night sky.  The optimal viewing time should be about 10:00 p.m. PDT Monday = 1:00 a.m. EDT Tuesday.

Tau Herculid meteor shower
could dazzle with thousands
of shooting stars Monday night
    There could be a brand
new meteor shower
visible on Monday

May 28, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Olivier Melnick and Trevor Rubenstein.  They began by talking about the Hebrew Roots Movement.

Those Christians point out that Jesus/Yeshua was a Jew, which is a fact that many Christians and Jews do not realize.  Christians who are adherents to Hebrew Roots have various teachings, but one common emphasis is on recovering the original Jewishness of Christianity.

They note that since Jesus and His disciples were Jews living in obedience to the Law/Torah, then Christians should as well.  However, no one is expected to keep all of the 613 Mitzvot or Commandments.

Markell, Melnick and Rubenstein also talked about how Satan hates what God loves.  Satan has attacked the Jewish people for the majority of their existence.  One person he used to do this was Martin Luther.

After breaking away from the Catholic Church in 1521, Luther was sympathetic to Jewish resistance to Catholicism.  He expected Jews to convert to his reformed version of Christianity.  However, when they did not, he turned violently against them.

Most historians agree that Luther’s anti-Jewish rhetoric contributed significantly to the development of antisemitism in Germany and in the Nazi Party.  In the Holocaust, Adolph Hitler essentially finished the severe attack on Jews that Martin Luther began.

Antisemitism in the world has risen considerably in the past few years.  Even in Christian churches, the invalid notions of replacement theology and supersessionism have been on the increase.  Many Jews have left the countries in which they have been living to go live in Israel.

All of the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:1-8) will be Jewish men.  As servants of God, these will sealed for protection from the harm and destruction that will take place near the very end of the age.

To understand God’s prophetic timeline, it is important to watch Israel and the Jews.  The Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24) are almost over.




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 54 minutes, can be heard here:

It’s About Over: Times of the Gentiles — Audio | Video
May 27, 2022
Stock Market

I will praise you, O Lord

Only the Lord God is worthy of constant praise.  Only He is totally righteous, and only He is always faithful and true.
Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre.  Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.  For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.  The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love. (Psalm 1-4)

May 26, 2022
Stock Market

I do not have a membership at Costco, but I like their variety of free samples.  My friend JoAnne has a membership.  Sometimes she’ll contact me and say, “Let’s go ‘do lunch’ at Costco.”  I don’t think I’ve ever refused the invitation. 

Yesterday she had the day off of work, so we went to the Costco in Cypress.  After she completed her shopping, we went around to all of the servers with free samples.  Since I am not a picky eater, I liked all of the selections.



30-second slideshow

May 25, 2022
Stock Market

Yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, an extremely tragic Robb Elementary School shooting took place.  This horrific carnage was the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, next to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting almost 10 years ago in 2012.

So far, the report is that 19 second-to-fourth grade students and 2 fourth grade teachers were killed, and there were 17 injuries.  The shooter was Salvador Rolando Ramos, age 18, who was a resident of Uvalde.  He was wearing a plate carrier, a type of tactical vest.  Ramos was shot and killed by a Border Patrol agent, who was wounded in the fire exchange.

Earlier that morning, Ramos had shot his grandmother Celia Martinez, 66, in the face.  Presently, she is hospitalized and is in serious condition.

Salvador Ramos, Uvalde
School Shooting Suspect:
5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
    Robb Elementary Shooting
Victims in Uvalde: Names,
Photos & Tributes

May 24, 2022
Stock Market

A comprehensive CBS News/YouGov survey was taken May 18-20, 2022.  It was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,041 U.S. adult residents.

The first two pages of the very lengthy poll focused mostly on how things are going in America and how Joe Biden is handling numerous issues as president.  Generally, there is dissatisfaction with the economy, inflation, immigration, crime and other important matters.

There also were opinions about how the Republican and Democratic parties are handling things.  Most Americans, including many of each party’s own voters, are not very happy with the parties or what they’re talking about.

CBS News Poll —
May 18-20, 2022
Adults in the U.S.
Most Americans say things
going badly under ‘distracted’
and ‘incompetent’ Biden: poll
    More Americans label Republican
Party extreme and Democratic
Party as weak — CBS News poll

May 23, 2022
Stock Market

On April 1, the Biden administration announced that the Title 42 expulsion provision would be rescinded today, May 23.  It has been in effect since March 2020, when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a public health order allowing for the rapid expulsion of unauthorized border crossers and asylum seekers, citing COVID-19 concerns as the reason.

However, in early April the CDC agreed with the Biden administration that the Title 42 policy no longer is necessary, due to a decline in COVID transmissions and infections.  Soon thereafter a group of U.S. Senators, both Republicans and Democrats, introduced a measure that would stop the Title 42 rule from being rescinded on May 23.

On May 20, U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays in Lafayette, Louisiana, issued a preliminary injunction on the Title 42 provision.  He said that it cannot be discontinued by the Biden administration and the CDC today, May 23.  This will allow U.S. border agents to continue rapidly expelling migrants to Mexico or to their home countries after today.

Following Judge Summerhays’ injunction, the U.S. Justice Department said that the CDC’s decision to end Title 42 was a “lawful exercise” of its authority.  It announced that it has plans to appeal the judge’s ruling, a process that could take several months.

Judge says CDC can't
end the Title 42
border expulsions
    Federal judge orders
Title 42 border policy
stay, Biden admin to appeal

May 22, 2022

Early Voting and jockey José OrtizThe annual Preakness Stakes horse race was run yesterday at Pimlico Race Course, Baltimore, Maryland.  It was the 147th running of that race.

Early Voting ran the race in a fraction under 1 minute and 55 seconds.  Epicenter was favored to win but came in second; he also was second in the Kentucky Derby two weeks ago.  Creative Minister finished third.

Early Voting’s owner is Seth Klarman, and his trainer is Chad Brown

José Ortiz, 28, was the jockey riding Early Voting.  In 2016, he was the leading jockey in North America by number of wins.  In 2017, he won the Belmont Stakes.

Recent Kentucky Derby winner, Rich Strike, was pulled out of the Preakness.  His owners cited the quick turnaround to Baltimore as the reason.  So this year, there will not be a Triple Crown winner.

Early Voting wins the
2022 Preakness Stakes

May 21, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries today, Jan Markell spent the hour with Amir Tsarfati.  They discussed the book of Revelation in the Bible and Amir’s new book on Revelation.

They asked, “Where is our world headed?” and “Why do we need a Millennium and a new heavens and new earth?”  Revelation tells us every detail.  Unfortunately, few people read it.

The 22 chapters of the book of Revelation were written by the apostle John.  He received this detailed and supernatural revelation of future events from Jesus while John was on the remote Greek island of Patmos (Revelation 1:9), which is located in the Aegean Sea.  This revelation took place near the end of the first century A.D.  It is a message about Israel, life, choice and the destiny of this world.

Once the Millennium is over, the present creation will be discarded and perish (Psalm 102:25,26; Hebrews 1:10-12a; Revelation 20:11).  Then God will design and create a new heaven, a new earth and the New Jerusalem, the Holy City.  This is the eternal realm where God will dwell, forevermore, with all of His people—those who, by faith, have accepted salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.  I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”  He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”  Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:1-5)




45-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

The Cosmic Battle and the Gathering Cloud of Deception — Audio | Video

I absolutely agree that believers in Jesus will be rescued from the coming wrath of God, via a Rapture event.  Those who believe in a Pre-tribulation view of the Rapture feel that the entire final 7 years of this age is the “hour of trial” (Revelation 3:10), during which God’s wrath will come upon the whole world.

However, the first reference in Revelation to the “wrath” of God does not appear until the final two verses of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:16,17).  I believe that God’s wrath will encompass only the Seventh Seal (including the seven Trumpet Judgments) and the seven Bowl Judgments.  For various reasons, I do not support a Pre-trib view but, rather, a Pre-wrath Rapture view.  My email responses to people about these topics can be found in my Rapture Questions & Responses section.

I also have many firm views about the book of Revelation.  These are included in my lengthy 3-part commentary: The Chronology of Revelation.

May 20, 2022
Stock Market

Chevron gasoline in California over $6.00 per gallonThis week, the average price of regular gasoline in California passed $6.00 per gallon, a record high.  This is the highest average of any state.  Many suspect that the national average could surpass $6.00 per gallon by the end of the summer.

As of yesterday, the average price per gallon of gas nationwide was $4.56 per gallon, a record high.  A year ago, the average cost of a gallon of gas was $3.04.

An increased demand of Americans to take to the roads this summer is likely to push gas prices higher.  However, it is possible that the U.S. economy could slow down or even fall into a recession.  This could limit the increase in gas prices or even send them lower.

California's $6 gas
could spread nationwide,
JPMorgan warns
    California's $6 gas
prices may spread
nationwide, analysts warn

May 19, 2022
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

During the counting of the Omer period, today is Lag B’Omer or Lag BaOmer.  It is considered to be a minor Jewish holiday or festival.  The counting each day represents spiritual preparation and anticipation for the giving of the Law/Torah, which was given by God on Mount Sinai.

A commentary about this day, by Valerie Moody, can be found here:

The Day of Restoration
May 18, 2022
Stock Market

Last year on June 25, 2021, an unclassified Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena report was provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).  It was an intelligence assessment of the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).  More information can be seen in the June 29, 2021 entry.

Yesterday, the first UFO (now called UAP) Congressional hearing in over 50 years took place.  Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray responded to questions asked by the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence and Counterproliferation (C3).  Bray shared two declassified videos during the session.

UFO House Intel panel:
Director can’t explain
UFO in declassified videos
    At the first UFO hearing in
50 years, the Pentagon says
unexplained reports are way up

Open C3 Subcommittee Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

May 17, 2022
Stock Market

blood moon happy face

In case you were unable to see a blood moon during the lunar eclipse a couple of nights ago, you can look at me.  I kind of look like a blood moon, so I hope this retroactively makes your recent lunar eclipse viewing a happier experience. 

May 16, 2022
Stock Market

Last night in Anaheim, my friend JoAnne and I viewed the lunar eclipse off and on for a few hours.  The eclipse had begun before the moon rose above the horizon.  More than half of the moon was in the earth’s shadow by the time we began to see it above the buildings on the other side of the street.  I took some simple snapshots with my miniature camera.

In many places in the U.S., when viewing the total lunar eclipse, people saw a distinct “blood moon.”  This mainly was in locations not near cities.

However, we were looking at the moon moving up in the eastern to southeastern sky in Orange County, which is an extremely populous county with millions of city lights.  All of these bright lights caused the moon to be quite dim and faint during its total eclipse phase.




30-second slideshow

May 15, 2022

Lunar eclipse May 15-16, 2022In the U.S., a full moon will be visible tonight and after midnight tomorrow morning.  It will be one of four supermoons this year, where the moon is closer to the earth than usual.  It also will be called the “flower” moon because of all the flowers blooming in North America this time of year.

There also will be a lunar eclipse tonight, which only can happen when there is a full moon.  The eclipse will begin at 7:27 p.m. PDT = 10:27 p.m. EDT.  The totality portion of the eclipse, appearing as a “blood moon” when the moon will have a coppery-red color, will begin at 8:29 p.m. PDT = 11:29 p.m. EDT.  Totality will last almost an hour and a half.

Partial and total phases of this lunar eclipse will be visible in various parts of the world.  Regions seeing at least some parts of the eclipse will be most of Europe and Africa; part of southwestern Asia; much of North, Central and South America; portions of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans; and much of Antarctica.

How to watch Sunday's
rare "super flower blood
moon" total lunar eclipse
    Moon goes blood red this
weekend: ‘Eclipse for
the Americas’

May 14, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries today, Jan Markell spent the hour with Dr. J. B. Hixson.  They discussed his book “The Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception.”

As the world spins in turmoil, Markell and Hixson analyze just who the major players are.  The unbelieving world is marching behind a dark ruler as we watch the set-up for the Tribulation.  According to Psalm 2, God laughs at these players on the end-time chess board.

Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”  He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision.  Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure. (Psalm 2:1-5)



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

The Cosmic Battle and the Gathering Cloud of Deception — Audio | Video
May 13, 2022
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

Today is Friday the 13th.  It is the only Friday the 13th in 2022.  I consider it to be a lucky day rather than an ill-fated day.  I think all the contented kitty cats above would agree with me. 

May 12, 2022
Stock Market

It has been reported that the COVID deaths in the U.S. have reached a milestone number of 1 million.  This represents about one death for every 327 Americans.  President Biden ordered flags at the White House to be flown at half-staff in honor of Americans who have died during the two-year coronavirus pandemic.

Biden delivered remarks for the Global COVID-19 summit in Washington, D.C. today.  Included in his remarks were, “Today, we mark a tragic milestone: 1 million American lives lost to COVID-19.  One million empty chairs around the dinner table.  Each an irreplaceable loss.  Each leaving behind a family, a community and a nation forever changed because of this pandemic.  Jill and I pray for each of them.

COVID claims
1 million
U.S. lives
    Biden marks 1 million
U.S. COVID deaths:
'An irreplaceable loss'

May 11, 2022
Stock Market

A vote was taken in the U.S. Senate today pertaining to abortion rights.  To move the bill forward, at least 60 yes votes would have been necessary, due to the filibuster rule.

The vote turned out to be 51 votes against and 49 votes for the bill.  Democrat Joe Manchin joined all 50 Republicans in voting against the bill.

Senate test vote on
abortion bill flops
as Manchin votes ‘no’
    Senate Torpedoes
Abortion Access Bill
in Procedurel Vote

May 10, 2022
Stock Market

I listened quite a bit to American Family Radio (https://afr.net) this weekend, as I often do.  One program that I often find interesting is “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist” with Dr. Frank Turek.  Sunday’s program was a repeat of one of his programs from a few days ago.

What explains the super extreme—even mad—positions we’ve seen people take publicly in recent years?  For example, how did we go from abortion being “safe, legal, and rare” to “shout your abortion” and laws even allowing the murder of babies 28 days AFTER they are born?  How did we go from “believe every woman” to “what’s a woman?” in just four years?  How did we go from considering gender dysphoria a mental condition to affirming 3-5 year-olds in it and shouting down anyone who makes common-sense distinctions about gender?

The answer has to do with the revenge of our own consciences.  Drawing on C.S. Lewis, Dr. J. Budziszewski, and the Apostle Paul, Frank reveals that the madness we see is rooted in our rebellion to our own consciences, and how our own psychology amps up our response to promote extreme positions.  Lewis, Budziszewski, and, of course, Paul, have very profound insights into this.  In the end, the only lasting solution to rebellion is repentance.

The podcast of this program can be heard below.  It is a little over 48 minutes in length.

Why Has the World Gone Mad? C.S. Lewis and Paul Tell Us” from May 6:

May 9, 2022
Stock Market

Yesterday, May 8, was the 77th anniversary of the end of World War II.  It is known as Victory in Europe Day.  The German Instrument of Surrender took place late in the evening, which was just after midnight in the Soviet Union republics on Victory Day (9 May).

There has been a general consensus by Western officials that Vladimir Putin might escalate his war on Ukraine today.  There was a grandiose military parade in Moscow’s Red Square, and Putin gave a speech.  It was expected that, during the speech, Putin would reveal new plans for the invasion of Ukraine which, so far, he has labeled a “special military operation.”

He did praise Russian veterans who fought in World War II, as well as Russian troops currently fighting in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas.  However, he made no official declaration of war on Ukraine, nor did he actually mention the country by name.

Putin did say to the Russian military, “You are fighting for our Motherland, its future, so that nobody forgets the lessions of World War II, so that there is no place in the world for torturers, death squads and Nazis.”  He added that “today you are defending what your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for.

Putin in Victory Day
speech: Campaign in
Ukraine forced, necessary
    Putin's Victory Day speech made no mention
of wins in Ukraine because 'he has no victory
to celebrate,' US ambassador to UN says

May 8, 2022

For all of you moms out there:  HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, and God bless you for doing all the great and wonderful things that you do for your families. 

15-second slideshow

My mom is in heaven, and I look forward with great anticipation to seeing her again one day.  There could not have been a better mom for me than the one I had.

Rich Strike and Sonny LeonThe 148th running of the 2022 Kentucky Derby took place yesterday afternoon.  As always, it happened at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky.

The winning horse of the 1¼-mile (2.012-kilometer) race was Rich Strike.   The horse was an 80-1 long shot to win; he wasn’t even in the Derby until about 30 seconds before the deadline on Friday.  It was the second-biggest upset in the Derby’s long history.

Rich Strike ran the race in a fraction over 2 minutes and 2 seconds.  The horse’s rider was Sonny Leon, and his trainer was Eric Reed.  It was the first Derby for both of them.  The second-place horse was Epicenter, and third place went to Zandon.

Rich Strike's stunning Kentucky Derby win is
the ultimate palate cleanser for a troubled sport

May 7, 2022

I last organized my vitamins and supplements into individual compartments on Oct. 2, 2021.  A few months ago, I began taking my vitamins every other day and skipping the day in between.  I’m just trying something different.

As I was about to run out, I decided that I would cut back on the pills and capsules that I take, as well as continue taking them every other day.  I will be taking the following: a daily multiple; vitamins B-12 and C; biotin, probiotic acidophilus, echinacea goldenseal, black elderberry and glucosamine chondroitin.

I also will be taking a 750 mg capsule of olive leaf extract every morning, which I have done for over 2 years.  It contains Oleuropein, which kills more bad bacteria, viruses and fungi than anything I know.

8-second slideshow

This supply will last for 12 weeks (84 days), since I will be taking them every other day.  Keeping them in the refrigerator enables them to keep their potency.

At Olive Tree Ministries today, Jan Markell spent the hour with Stephen Briggs, the Director of Operations at Hatikvah Films.  They talked about how there are blessings and curses put upon nations and individuals, based on Genesis 12:3.

Much of the program included portions of Stephen Briggs’ DVD: “America and the Israel Effect.”  It is a history lesson showing the steps leading to Israel’s becoming a nation again in 1948.

There also are many examples of how good things have happened to nations that have blessed Israel, while bad things have happened to nations that have cursed Israel.  President Truman, a Democrat, was a key figure in the rebirth and establishment of Israel as a modern nation.  It is concerning that the Biden administration and many members of Congress generally have a negative view of Israel.

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, is a repeat of the Nov. 20, 2021 program.  It can be heard here:

Blessing or Cursing — Audio | Video
May 6, 2022
Stock Market

Yesterday, major stock market indices plunged substantially.  It was the biggest loss so far this year for several indices, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which plummeted 1,063.09 points and entered correction territory again.

This followed a substantial rally in many stock indices the previous day.  That was on the same day that the U.S. Federal Reserve announced an increase in the benchmark short-term interest rate by 0.5%, in an attempt to bring down the high inflation rate.

There are several reasons for the recent extreme stock market variability.  Today, the downward movement of the stock market continued, pushing the Dow further into correction territory.  It is unknown what that market will be doing in the near future, as there are numerous variables that could pull it in either direction.

Dow plunges more than
1,000 points, erasing
‘rally’ over Fed plans
    Dow drops almost 1,100
points as investors digest
Fed interest rate hike

May 5, 2022
Stock Market

13-second slideshow

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.  However, this was not Mexico’s Independence Day.

Mexico’s independence from Spain was an armed conflict that lasted from 1808 to 1821.  On September 16, 1810, Roman Catholic priest Miguel Hidaldo y Costilla rang the church bell in Dolores, Mexico.  That gave the call to arms that triggered the war of independence.

Cinco De Mayo: How did the holiday become
more popular in the United States than Mexico?

Today is the National Day of Prayer in the USA.  Each year, it takes place on the first Thursday in May.

A law formalizing the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer was enacted in 1952.  As such, this is the 70th anniversary of this noteworthy day, on which the president is required by law (36 U.S.C. § 119) to sign a proclamation each year encouraging all Americans to pray on this day.

For the past two years, due to the COVID pandemic, there were less gatherings of people on this day to pray.  Hopefully, there will be a notable increase of these gatherings this year.

May 4, 2022
Stock Market

The U.S. economy is experiencing the highest inflation since 1981.  In an attempt to bring down the inflation rate, the U.S. Federal Reserve has increased its benchmark short-term interest rate by 0.5%.  This is the largest interest rate increase since the year 2000.

Increasing interest rates cause borrowing money to be more expensive.  However, savings accounts and certificates of deposit should provide higher yields of interest.  There may be additional rate hikes made during further meetings in 2022.

Fed hikes rates by
half-point, biggest
jump in 22 years
    Fed raises interest rates by a half
point for first time in 20 years
as it ratchets up inflation fight

May 3, 2022
Stock Market

God is working in you

May 2, 2022
Stock Market

Politico news has obtained and reported a “leaked” Supreme Court draft opinion.  It shows that a majority of justices could be poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.  This was the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision creating a constitutional right to abortion.

Also, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a 1992 decision that affirmed Roe v. Wade, could be overturned.  It was a decision that protected abortion services, although it allowed states to add some limitations.

The leak is an example of a rare breach of the Supreme Court’s secretive deliberation process.  The authenticity of the leaked opinion was confirmed yesterday by the court.  Chief Justice John Roberts has directed that that an investigation be made to discover the source of the leak.

The draft was written by Samuel Alito, one of the most conservative justices.  According to Politico, justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanah and Amy Coney Barrett—also conservative justices—have agreed with the opinion.  That could be enough for a 5 to 4 majority if the draft does not change before a final vote, expected to take place in late June or early July.

What Supreme Court’s leaked
decision on Roe v. Wade
means for abortion rights
    Chief Justice Roberts confirms
draft Roe v. Wade opinion,
orders leak investigation

May 1, 2022

God's chart

Apr. 30, 2022

At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pete Garcia at Rapture Forums.  His website is https://www.rev310.net.  They talked about future events that will rock the world.

We’re seeing the breakdown of Western civilization.  Satan effectively has been attacking the foundation and the pillars of Christianity.  The Christian world view now is being stipped away.  What we’re being left with is a New World Order that must, by necessity, destroy the Old World Order.

A Rapture event will happen at some point, removing many true Christians from around the world and taking them up to heaven.  Those left behind, following the disappearance of many believers in Christ, will be surrounded by Satan’s “Mystery Babylon” beast system (Revelation 17:5) led by the first beast (Revelation 13:1-8), the Antichrist.



30-second slideshow

Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

The Disappearing — Audio | Video

Those who believe in a Pre-tribulation Rapture feel that the whole 7-year Tribulation period will consist of the wrath of God.  I am convinced that, during that period, only a portion of it—the Day of the Lord or God’s day of vengeance—will comprise God’s wrath and will be preceded by the Pre-Wrath Rapture.

I definitely do believe in a main Rapture event, but I see it as a Pre-wrath Rapture rather than as a Pre-tribulation Rapture, with which I disagree:

  • Is the Pre-tribulation view of the Rapture the correct view?
  • My views about the Rapture can be found in my two-part commentary here: The Rapture.  Some of my email responses to people’s Rapture questions can be found here: Rapture Questions & Responses.

    Apr. 29, 2022
    Stock Market

    Jupiter Venus conjunctionThe second New Moon of the month of April will take place tomorrow, April 30, at 4:28 p.m. EDT.  Having two new moons in the same month month is very uncommon.  The second one often is called a “Black Moon,” which also can be the third new moon in a season of four new moons.

    This New Moon will be causing a partial solar eclipse that will be seen in Antarctica and in much of South America.  About 64% of the sun will be darkened.

    At the same time, another rare cosmic event will be taking place.  Because there will be a new moon, it will be more easily seen in the dark night sky, assuming the sky is clear.

    In our solar system, planets Venus and Jupiter are about 430 million miles apart.  However, from our vantage point on earth this weekend, these two planets will appear to be significantly closer to each other than usual.

    At the most optimal time, Venus and Jupiter will appear to be almost touching each other.  This is referred to as a “conjunction” of these two planets.  The best viewing times will be in the very early morning hours of April 30 and May 1, just before sunrise.

    From the Northern Hemisphere, this planet conjunction can be seen when looking toward the southeast.  From the Southern Hemisphere, the conjunction can be seen when looking toward the east.  No telescope will be necessary to see the two planets as they begin to appear, very close together, above the horizon.

    Black Moon 2022
    guide: April’s rare
    second new moon
        Venus and Jupiter
    Look now

    Apr. 28, 2022
    Stock Market

    Today (Nisan 27 on the Hebrew calendar) is Yom HaShoah, which began at sunset last evening.  It also is known as Holocaust Remembrance Day or Holocaust Day.

    This day commemorates the Holocaust, which was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the regime of Nazi Germany, along with its allies and collaborators.  It was an evolving process that took place throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945.

    In Israel, there are 161,400 Holocaust survivors living there.  The average age of those Holocaust survivors is 85.5.  There also are 31,500 over age 90 and more than 1,000 over age 100.

    What is Yom HaShoah and
    how do Jews honor those lost in
    history's single largest genocide?
        Ahead of annual memorial
    day, 161,400 Holocaust
    survivors living in Israel

    Apr. 27, 2022
    Stock Market

    There is a quick and easy way to check one’s internet speed in Mbps (Megabits per second).  Going to https://fast.com will show the internet speed, in a few seconds, in the middle of the screen.  Then, clicking on the “Show more info” button will provide additional information at the bottom.

    Fast internet speed
    Apr. 26, 2022
    Stock Market

    Earlier this month, the CDC stated that Title 42 expulsions no longer were necessary.  Then 22 states—led by Missouri, Arizona and Lousiana—brought a suit in Federal court to keep the border restrictions of the Title 42 program in place at least until May 23.  U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays in Louisiana has been overseeing the lawsuit.

    Yesterday, Judge Summerhays issued a temporary restraining order preventing Title 42 from being terminated before May 23.  Depending on the content of subsequent court orders, it is possible that Title 42 might not be ended on May 23.

    A number of Democrats in the House and Senate have joined with Republicans in urging the Biden administration to delay lifting the Title 42 policy beyond May 23.  They have expressed doubts that the Department of Homeland Security would be able to deal effectively with a spike in migrant arrivals over the southern border, which is likely to happen if Title 42 is ended.  As such, they are backing legislation that would block the termination of Title 42 on May 23.

    Judge to block U.S. border
    officials from winding
    down Title 42 policy
        Court blocks Biden from
    lifting Title 42 border
    restrictions on May 23

    Apr. 25, 2022
    Stock Market

    Apr. 24, 2022

    At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Michele Bachmann at Regent University.  They suggested that the plan of the world’s globalists, the New World Order, will be a whole new way of life for us.  This is a wake-up call and storm warning.

    The Bible has told believers what’s ahead, so we should not be caught by surprise.  Another crisis is being planned as we head into the mid-term elections.



    30-second slideshow

    Today’s program, lasting 57 minutes, can be heard here:

    Storm Warning — Audio | Video
    Apr. 23, 2022

    More rockets were fired from Gaza last night and this morning.  That territory is ruled by the militant Islamic group, Hamas.  The rocket fire came amid near-daily clashes at the Al-Aqsa holy site over the past week.  Palestinians have hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli police, who have responded by firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades in return.

    The Palestinian militants fired two rockets late last night, with one landing in an open area inside Israel and the other falling inside of northern Gaza.  The second rocket caused injuries to two Gaza residents.  Early this morning, another rocket was fired from Gaza, but there was no report indicating where it landed.

    As a result, Israel said today that, beginning the next work week tomorrow, it would close its border crossing with Gaza to thousands of Gaza workers.  In recent months, Israel has granted work permits to about 12,000 Palestinians in Gaza and over 100,000 permits to Palestinians in the West Bank.  Now, for an unknown period of time, Gazans will not be allowed to cross into Israel.

    Israel shutters Gaza pedestrian
    crossing after three more
    rockets fired at south
        Israel closes crossing
    to Gazans after
    new rocket attacks

    Apr. 22, 2022
    Stock Market

    This past Sunday was the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead almost 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem.  Eventually, all who believe in His blood atonement for their sins will be resurrected as well.

    Listening to American Family Radio (https://afr.net), I heard a repeat of last week’s podcast of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist” with Dr. Frank Turek.

    Turek initially stated, “If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then there is no hope.  We’re just gonna die and it’s gonna be over.  Is it really true that Jesus physically rose from the dead 1,989 years ago or thereabouts?  Because if He did, there is hope for humanity.  There’s hope for me, there’s hope for you, there’s hope for humanity.  If He didn’t, there isn’t.

    Turek’s guest was Justin Brierley, host of the Unbelievable show in the UK.  They discussed the evidence for God and the resurrection of Jesus.

    The podcast of this program can be heard below.  It is a little over 48 minutes in length.

    Is The Resurrection Unbelievable?” from April 14:

    Apr. 21, 2022
    Stock Market

    Earlier this week, the public transportation mask mandate was voided by U.S. District Judge Mizelle in Florida.  Yesterday, the CDC asked the Department of Justice to appeal this court decision.

    As a result, the Justice Department has filed an appeal to reverse the judge’s ruling.  For now, masks passengers have the choice to wear or not to wear masks on public transportation and in transportation hubs.  Time will tell if masks will continue not to be required or if the mask mandate will be reinstated.

    CDC asks DOJ
    to appeal
    mask ruling
        CDC asks DOJ to appeal
    ruling to bring back mask
    mandate on planes, trains

    Apr. 20, 2022
    Stock Market

    There have been various hostile activities in Jerusalem and Israel for several days.  This mainly has been due to the overlapping of the Jewish holy week following Passover with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

    Some of the aggression has taken place on the Temple Mount, also known as the Haram esh-Sharif or “the Noble Sanctuary of Jerusalem,” which is a holy site for both Jews and Muslims.  Over the weekend, Palestinians inside the al-Aqsa Mosque threw stones at Israeli police outside the mosque, causing the police to enter the mosque.  Scuffles inside resulted in numerous injuries and hundreds of arrests.

    On Monday, a rocket was fired by Palestinian militants into southern Israel.  Early the next day, Israeli fighter jets made airstrikes into the southern Gaza Strip.  A Hamas weapons manufacturing site was targeted.  Today, another rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel.  Many Israelis are being reminded of the 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis almost a year ago.

    This morning, Palestinian rioters inside of the al-Aqsa Mosque threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Jewish visitors outside.  One of bottles of fire fell on a rug or carpet outside the main entrance, igniting a fire.  The fire was extinguished, and Israeli police forces were depoloyed to secure the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount.

    It has been reported that, beginning this Friday, non-Muslims will be barred from visiting the Temple Mount.  If so, this will be in effect until May 2, which is the final day of Ramadan.

    Rocket fired at Israel from Gaza as
    Mideast tensions mount
        Palestinians inside Al-Aqsa
    Mosque throw Molotov cocktails;
    right-wingers plan march
    Non-Muslims to be barred
    from visiting the Temple Mount
    during the end of Ramadan

    Apr. 19, 2022
    Stock Market

    As of yesterday, the CDC’s public transportation mask mandate no longer is in effect.  U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle voided the requirement for those traveling on planes and other public transit.  She said the mandate exceeded the authority of U.S. health officials.

    According to Judge Mizelle, “The court concludes that the mask mandate exceeds the CDC’s statutory authority and violates the procedures required for agency rulemaking under the APA.  Accordingly, the court vacates the mandate and remands it to the CDC.

    For months, airlines have been against the mask mandate.  They have argued that effective air filters on modern planes make transmission of the virus during a flight highly unlikely.

    The CDC still recommends that people continue to wear masks in indoor public transportation settings.  However, the TSA will not enforce its Security Directives and Emergency Amendment requiring mask use on public transportation and in transportation hubs at this time.  It is unknown yet if the Department of Justice will challenge the decision to void the mask mandate.

    Federal judge strikes down
    CDC mask mandate in airports,
    other transport hubs
        Judge strikes down
    CDC mask mandate
    for travel

    Apr. 18, 2022
    Stock Market

    This morning, I went to Walmart and got 54.7 oz. (3.42 lb.) of 50%-off Easter candy.  For the second year in a row, there was only a relatively small area of Easter candy available for purchase.  There was no dark chocolate candy, which is my favorite.

    8-second slideshow

    Apr. 17, 2022

    He is not here. He has risen! Luke 24:6This is the Feast of Firstfruits or Resurrection Day.  It is the day that Jesus rose from the dead.  Eventually, all who believe in His blood atonement for their sins will do the same.

    But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.  For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.  For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.  But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. (1 Corinthians 15:20-23)

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:3-5)

    The majority of these resurrections, I believe, will take place at the main Rapture event.  These glorified saints never will need to fear God’s severe judgment, and they will be exempt from His righteous wrath.

    Today also is the first day of a 50-day count, the counting of the Omer, culminating on Shavuot, Feast of Weeks, or Feast of Harvest.  For Christians, that is the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).  This year, that is on June 5.

    During the week of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, the Feast of Firstfruits fell on the date of Aviv 17 on the Hebraic calendar (as described in the prophecy fulfillment section of my Good Thursday commentary).  It was the same date that Noah’s ark landed and rested on Mount Ararat (Genesis 8:4).  On that day, Noah and his family were safe and secure from harm, with no further chance of sinking or drowning.

    Someone looking at my Holy Week chart questioned me about this.  Here is my response:

    Apr. 16, 2022

    15-second slideshow

    Today is the first full day of Pesach or Passover, which began at sunset last evening.  There also was a full moon early this morning.  This day is a commemoration of the exodus of Israel out of Egypt, as described in Exodus 12:1-51.  It is followed by the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

    Just as lambs were slain on the first and subsequent Passovers, the Lamb of God, Yeshua/Jesus, also died on Passover.  His shed blood atoned for the sins of all who will accept His unique sacrifice on their behalf.  According to John the Baptist and the apostle Paul,

    The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

    For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. (1 Corinthians 5:7b)

    His death, of the righteous for the unrighteous, is the only thing that can bring us to God the Father.  According to the apostle Peter,

    Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. (1 Peter 3:18)

    There are clear links between the life, death, resurrection and future return of Yeshua/Jesus and the feasts and holy days of Israel.  (See more in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of my online book.)  More connections also can be found in my Good Thursday commentary.

    Indeed, Yeshua/Jesus our Passover Lamb was slain, and He lay in the tomb during the first few days and nights of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Fortunately for us, He did not remain there; He rose from the dead on the Feast of Firstfruits = Resurrection Day (Easter Sunday).

    He is in heaven now waiting to return to earth, at which time He will sit on his throne in Jerusalem.  There, He will rule and reign as King over all the earth.  I hardly can wait.

    Apr. 15, 2022

    At Olive Tree Ministries today, Jan Markell spent the hour with Dr. Ed Hindson at The King is Coming.  Markell played a presentation given by Hindson at the Globalism Rising event at Regent University on March 29.  The event, hosted by Michele Bachmann, can be accessed at regent.edu/globalism.

    Hindson considered seven significant questions that herald Jesus’ coming:

    1. Is Israel back in the Land?
    2. Is the Middle East in Crisis?
    3. Does Global Economy already exist?
    4. Is there a rush to Globalism?
    5. Does Apostasy threaten the Church?
    6. Is Evil out of control?
    7. Do Weapons of Mass Destruction exist?




    45-second slideshow

    Today’s program, lasting 53 minutes, can be heard here:

    When These Things Begin to Happen Look Up — Audio | Video
    Apr. 14, 2022
    Stock Market

    Encouragement is fuel for the soul.

    In these difficult and turbulent times, feelings of discouragement are common.  However, God is a source of encouragement for those who believe in Him.

    It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; He will not leave or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

    For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7)

    But God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

    Therefore, do not be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?”  Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:31-33)

    Apr. 13, 2022
    Stock Market

    At the beginning of this month, President Biden and the CDC announced that the Title 42 expulsion program would be rescinded on May 23.  (See the Apr. 8 entry for more information.)  It is widely known that, if and when that happens, the daily average of 7,000 migrants presently crossing the border will spike upwards to as many as 18,000 migrants crossing the border per day.

    Members of the U.S. Congress are well aware of this.  Last week, a group of senators, both Democrats and Republicans, introduced a bill that would delay the end of the Title 42 border expulsions.

    A week ago, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that busloads of illegal migrants would begin being transported to Washington D.C.  The first bus of these migrants arrived there this morning.  It stopped in front of the building where Fox News, NBC News and C-SPAN are located.  This is a few blocks away from the U.S. Capitol.

    First bus of migrants arrives in
    Washington, D.C., from Texas under
    Abbott’s new controversial plan
        First migrant bus from
    Texas arrives in DC, drops
    them blocks from Capitol

    Apr. 12, 2022
    Stock Market

    Temple Mount in JerusalemSince Israel became a nation again in 1948, a Passover lamb sacrifice has not taken place on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  There have been attempts to do so, but they all have been stopped by the police.

    Since the Six-Day War in 1967, the Temple Mount officially has been under Israeli control.  Israeli Jews have had overall sovereignty over the mount; however, the mount has been under Islamic religious sovereignty.

    Jews have had limited access to the Temple Mount, basically with short visits in small groups.  Jews praying on the mount run a high risk of being violently attacked by angry Muslims.

    A Jewish movement, “Returning to the Mount,” has a primary goal of redeeming the Temple Mount back to complete Jewish control.  Recently they stated, “It is time to change the rules of the game. Neither Hamas nor Jordan will decide whether the offering of the sacrifices will be resumed – it depends solely on us. This coming Friday, Passover eve, we will reach the Temple Mount from all parts of the country with goats and sheep demanding the sacrifice at its appointed time.

    In a publication published by this movement, they have called for the sacrifice of a Passover lamb on the Temple Mount on Passover Eve, which commences during this coming Friday, Apr. 15.  They have produced a poster, in Hebrew, that displays cash incentives being offered to people who attempt to take a lamb or a goat up to the mount to sacrifice it:

    • 400 shekels ($125) to anyone attempting to bring a lamb or goat to the Temple Mount,
    • 800 shekels ($250) to anyone arrested while bringing a lamb or goat to the Temple Mount, and
    • $10,000 shekels ($3,125) to anyone who possibly succeeds in offering a Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount.

    This year, the Jewish holy week of Passover takes place during a portion of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which hardly ever happens.  There have been recent shootings, stabbings and other violent terror attacks in Israel.  Arabic social media has been very turbulent.  One claim is that the Jewish settlers will be “attacking the Temple Mount in an attempt to renew the Passover sacrifice.”  Hamas and Islamic Jihad are warning that Jews plan to “storm Al-Aqsa Mosque on April 15th.

    Palestinian media also have been warning of the possibility of the sacrifice of a Passover lamb on the Temple Mount later this week.  They have produced a poster, in Arabic, showing the amounts that Jews are being offered to sacrifice a Passover lamb.  Many in Israel are fearing that bloody terror attacks could escalate across the country next week and beyond, perhaps being worse than the 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis almost a year ago.


    Jewish Group Offers Financial
    Incentives for Passover
    Sacrifice on Temple Mount
        The Time Has Come to
    Sacrifice the Passover Lamb
    on the Temple Mount!
    Six extremist Jews arrested
    for planning animal sacrifice
    atop Temple Mount
        Declaration of War!
    Palestinians Warn Jews
    Against Passover Sacrifice

    Apr. 11, 2022
    Stock Market

    Joe Biden with part of a ghost gunToday President Biden highlighted the Justice Department’s work to finalize new regulations to crack down on ghost guns, which are privately made firearms.  While picking up part of a ghost gun to show it to the audience, he said, “Today, the United States Department of Justice is making it illegal for a business to manufacture one of these without a serial number.

    The final rule will make it illegal for businesses to manufacture ghost gun kits without serial numbers.  It also will be illegal for licensed gun dealers to sell them without making background checks.

    For nearly a year, the ghost gun rule has been making its way through the federal regulation process.  For months, gun safety groups and Democrats in Congress have been pushing for the Justice Department to finish the rule.

    However, gun advocacy groups, such as Gun Owners of America, believe that the rule violates the U.S. Constitution and several federal laws.  The rule most likely will be met with heavy resistance from these gun groups.

    Biden also has nominated Steve Dettelbach to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobaco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).  Dettelbach is a former U.S. attorney from Ohio.

    Biden cracks down on
    'ghost guns' with new rule
    to tackle gun violence
        Biden announces rule making
    'ghost guns' illegal as part of
    comprehensive gun crime strategy

    Apr. 10, 2022

    Jesus on Palm SundayToday is Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  This happened one week prior to the resurrection of Jesus, the firstfruit from the dead, which occurred on the Feast of Firstfruits (commonly referred to as “Easter Sunday”).

    His triumphal entry was prophesied to happen by the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 9:9.  Jesus’ entry into the city is described in Matthew 21:1-11 and in Mark 11:1-11.

    A very large crowd of people welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem.  They tossed palm branches onto the road in front of Him.  They praised Him as they walked along with Him, and they shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:9; Psalm 118:25,26).

    This took place on 10th day of Aviv, the day that each Israeli family in Egypt was to select a Passover lamb (Exodus 12:3).  Four days later, on the 14th day of Aviv, was when the lambs would be slaughtered (Exodus 12:6).  Likewise, four days after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Sunday, He was slaughtered on Good Thursday.  Jesus was the ultimate Passover Lamb for Israel and for the rest of humanity.

    See more about the parallels between Jesus and the Passover Lamb.  Also, see a chart of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with the Feast of Firstfruits/Resurrection Day.

    Apr. 9, 2022

    At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Mark Henry.  They talked about how the coming digital currency might be expected within a year.

    The digital currency will be programmable money, dictating what we can spend it on, and replacing cash.  It is a global effort.  President Biden signed a cryptocurrency executive order on March 9 of this year.  It follows what the Biden administration calls the “explosive growth of digital assets in recent years.

    Under the order, the government will coordinate efforts with financial regulators to get a better understanding of the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies.  The directive also calls for the exploration and consideration of creating a digital form of the U.S. dollar, which will be programmable.

    Markell, Holthaus and Henry also discussed the coming of the prophesied global leader, as well as forthcoming food shortages.  Their information is not conspiratorial but is a warning as to the lateness of the hour.



    30-second slideshow

    Today’s program, lasting 57 minutes, can be heard here:

    When You Can’t Buy or Sell — Audio | Video
    Apr. 8, 2022
    Stock Market

    Two years ago, in March 2020, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a public health order allowing for the rapid expulsion of unauthorized border crossers and asylum seekers.  They cited COVID-19 concerns as the reason.

    This has been considered to be an expulsion rather than a deportation.  A migrant who must leave the U.S., in a Title 42 expulsion, usually is returned to Mexico.

    On April 1, the Biden administration announced that Title 42 would be rescinded on May 23.  The CDC agreed that, due to current public health conditions, the Title 42 policy no longer is necessary.  One reason for this is that a vaccination program is being implemented to vaccinate migrants at the border.

    It has been reported that the average of 7,000 migrants per day, presently crossing the border, will increase to at least 12,000 migrants and even as much as 18,000 migrants per day.  Many senators of both parties understand that, following the elimination of the Title 42 policy, there will be a huge spike in the influx of migrants.

    Yesterday, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators introduced a measure that would stop the Title 42 rule from being rescinded next month.  The proposal was co-spondored by six Republican senators and five Democratic senators.

    Biden administration will rescind
    Trump-era immigration-policy
    expelling migrants at the border
        Moderate Democrats join GOP
    senators to back bill to delay
    end of Title 42 border expulsions
    End of Title 42
    will ‘open floodgates
    to illegal migration’

    Apr. 7, 2022
    Stock Market

    Ketanji Brown JacksonA few months ago, Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, 83, announced that he would be retiring.  A few weeks later, President Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, 51, to replace Breyer.

    Jackson was a former clerk for Justice Breyer from 1999 to 2000.  Since June 17 of last year, she has been serving as a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

    Today, in the U.S. Senate, Judge Jackson was confirmed to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.  She was confirmed by a vote of 53 to 47.  Vice President Harris presided over the vote.

    All 48 Senate Democrats and 2 Independents voted for Jackson.  Joining those 50 senators were 3 Republican senators—Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Mitt Romney (UT)—to confirm Jackson.

    Justice Breyer officially will retire in June or July of this year.  Jackson will be sworn in to replace him at the beginning of the Supreme Court’s next term, probably in late June or early July.

    Senate confirms Ketanji
    Brown Jackson as first
    black woman on Supreme Court
        Senate confirms
    Ketanji Brown Jackson
    to Supreme Court

    Apr. 6, 2022
    Stock Market

    Numerous sanctions have been put on Russia since the onset of its invasion of Ukraine six weeks ago.  Today, more sanctions are being placed on Russia by the U.S. and European allies.

    The new sanctions follow the discovery of hundreds of dead Ukrainian citizens in Kyiv suburbs this past weekend.  It is presumed that they were killed by Russian attackers.

    The new U.S. sanctions include cutting off Vladimir Putin’s two adult daughters, among others, from the U.S. financial system and freezing any assets that they might hold in the U.S.  Sanctions also are being taken against two of Russia’s largest banks: Sberbank and Alfa Bank.  Further sanctions are in the process of being made.

    West ramps up
    sanctions as Russia
    threatens Ukraine's east
        Explainer: A look
    at West's escalating
    sanctions on Russia

    Apr. 5, 2022
    Stock Market

    The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee had an 11 to 11 tie vote yesterday afternoon.  The vote was to decide whether to provide a favorable or an unfavorable recommendation to the Senate concerning the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.  Due to the tie, no recommendation could be given.

    After the tie vote, the entire Senate had a procedural vote of 53 to 47 last evening to bring up Jackson for a confirmation vote before the upper Senate chamber.  The final confirmation vote by the full Senate probably will take place later this week.

    Three Republican senators—Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Mitt Romney (UT)—are expected to vote with all 50 Democratic senators to confirm Jackson.  If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Senate votes to advance
    Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS
    nomination after committee tie
        Ketanji Brown Jackson
    confirmation moves forward after
    tie vote in Judiciary Committee

    Apr. 4, 2022
    Stock Market

    Burial site near Kyiv, UkraineThis weekend, the bodies of over 400 civilians were removed from areas around Kyiv, Ukraine, including the suburbs of Motyzhyn and Bucha.  Presumably, these were killed by Russian attackers.  Besides murdered people lying in streets, numerous burial sites were found with body parts protruding above the surface of the ground.

    The UN says that the number of civilians in Ukraine killed and wounded by the Russian military continues to increase.  Since the Feb. 24 invasion, at least 1,430 civilians have been killed and at least 2,097 have been injured.  So far, among the dead are at least 121 children.

    Reporters have been unable to gain access to areas of heavy fighting in Ukraine.  So, most likely, the actual numbers of dead and injured are significantly higher than what is being reported.

    President Zelenskyy and other European leaders insist that these are war crimes by Russia.  Zelensky insists that this must be recognized by the world as genocide.

    Ukrainian mayor executed as
    satellite images show 45-foot
    trench at mass grave site
        Head of MI6 says mass executions
    in Bucha, Ukraine, were part
    of Putin's invasion plan

    Apr. 3, 2022

    13-second slideshow

    Don’t look for shortcuts to God.  The market is flooded with sure-fire, easygoing formulas promoting a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time.  We should not fall for that stuff, even though countless crowds of people do.  The way to life—to God—is vigorous and requires our mindful attention.

    Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life.” (Matthew 7:13,14)

    Jesus is the only road that leads to the most meaningful life on earth and to eternal life after this.

    Apr. 2, 2022

    At Olive Tree Ministries this weekend, Jan Markell spent the hour with Pastor Billy Crone and Jill Martin Rische (daughter of Dr. Walter Martin).

    Markell and Crone talked about the great COVID deception.  From digitized IDs and passports to forced vaccinations, people have surrendered freedoms out of fear.  They discussed how the global elite has been perpetrating this deception.

    Next, Markell and Rische critiqued “The Chosen (TV series)” and reminded people of its enormous Mormon influence.  They questioned how the series could introduce the authentic Jesus when the Mormon Church does not understand the real Jesus.



    30-second slideshow

    Today’s program, lasting 55 minutes, can be heard here:

    Days of Deception — Audio | Video
    Apr. 1, 2022
    Stock Market

    Happy April Fool’s Day.  Don’t play too many pranks unless you like to get pranked back. 

    13-second slideshow

    April 2021 calendar

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