Chronological Reading of the Bible in One Year
This is a chronological listing of the Bible. You can view the list one of these three ways:
Every list reads from left to right and down row by row. (Go to Bible Book Abbreviations to see the full name of any abbreviated Bible book that you do not recognize.)Averaging 3 to 4 chapters a day will enable to you read through the entire Bible in one year, if you should so choose. You might wish to print out either list and check the square in front of each entry as you read it. (Note that some entries have Bible passages from more than one book of the Bible.)
You also may read passages online, from the New International Version of the Bible, by clicking on each entry. (Once a Bible book is fully downloaded into your browser, it will skip to the chapter you have clicked on. The next time you access that Bible book, it should download faster.)
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