Power and Authority

When the ENP was established, all of this applied to one man, Javier Solana:

  • born July 14, 1942, in Madrid, Spain,
  • Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU),
  • High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union,
  • Chairman of the Political Security Committee for the European Union,
  • European Union Foreign Policy Chief,
  • Secretary General of NATO from 1995 to 1999,
  • major proponent of EuroMed in 1995, and
  • given important powers by Article 666 and Recommendation 666.

Whoever the “he” is in the Daniel 9:27 prophecy will have become very powerful by the middle of the final 7 years.  Then this fanatic’s “beastly” activities, beginning in the Third Temple, will commence the Great Tribulation period.

According to Revelation 13:16-18, multitudes eventually will receive the “mark of the beast.”  Perhaps the “number of the beast,” 666, will relate to the extensive authority granted by Article 666 and Recommendation 666.  Many also feel that 666 is linked to Islam and may be an encryption for “In the Name of Allah.”

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