1,260 Days: 3½ Years

Cessation of Sacrifice and Offering

The Daniel 9:27 prophecy indicates that sacrifice and offering in the temple will end in the middle of the final 7-year period.  Presumably, this will be forced by the Antichrist, as he begins to reveal his overbearing persona (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4).

According to Revelation 11:3 & 12:6, the second half (3½ years) of the 70th Week will last for 1,260 days.  If sacrifice and offering are ceased in the middle, then it is reasonable to suppose that the first half also will encompass 1,260 days as well.

The ENP was established and funded by regulations adopted on October 17 and October 24, 2006.  Adding 1,260 days to October 17, 2006, takes us to March 30, 2010: the Jewish Passover.

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