ENP Statements

In an ENP Action Plan, this is stated:

For Israel and the Palestinian authority, the Neighbourhood Policy is a concrete sign of the EU’s engagement.  Israel clearly acknowledges the role of the EU...and the need to take into account the viability of a future Palestinian state in counter-terrorist activities (Brussels, 9 December 2004).

An Overall Assessment of the Action Plan says this:

The implementation of the Action Plan has paved the way for a significant development of EU-Israel cooperation in the areas of ... justice and security. ... The Action Plan was designed to provide support to Palestinian reforms and institution building in the context of preparing for a future Palestinian state. ... Detailed programming for the period 2007-10 is being finalised (Brussels, 4 December 2006).

A Fiches on Partners document includes the following:

The EU-Israel ENP Action Plan opened up new possibilities for developing EU-Israel relations by setting out a wide range of areas for greater cooperation including: promoting peace in the Middle East (The European Neighbourhood Policy Fiches on Partners).

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