Ted’s Categorized Color* Chart:
WHITE Background

Hexadecimal & Decimal Codes
(Colors may not be viewable with some browsers.)

Browns, Sepias, Olives, Reds, Oranges, Ochres, Yellows, Corals

64 00 00
64 64 00
128 00 00
128 64 00
128 64 64
128 128 00
128 128 64
192 00 00
192 64 00
192 64 64
192 128 00
192 128 64
192 128 128
192 192 00
192 192 64
192 192 128
255 00 00
255 64 00
255 64 64
255 128 00
255 128 64
255 128 128
255 192 00
255 192 64
255 192 128
255 192 192
255 255 00
255 255 64
255 255 128
255 255 192


Greens, Reddish Greens

00 64 00
00 128 00
64 128 00
00 192 00
64 192 00
128 192 00
00 255 00
64 255 00
128 255 00
192 255 00


Bluish Greens, Reddish-Bluish Greens

00 128 64
64 128 64
00 192 64
64 192 64
00 192 128
64 192 128
128 192 64
128 192 128
00 255 64
64 255 64
64 255 128
128 255 64
128 255 128
00 255 192
64 255 192
128 255 192
192 255 64
192 255 128
192 255 192


Teals, Turquoises, Aquamarines, Azures

00 64 64
00 128 128
64 128 128
00 192 192
64 192 192
128 192 192
00 255 255
64 255 255
128 255 255
192 255 255


Navys, Cobalts, Blues, Greenish Blues, Reddish-Greenish Blues

00 00 64
00 00 128
00 64 128
64 64 128
00 00 192
00 64 192
64 64 192
00 128 192
64 128 192
128 128 192
00 00 255
00 64 255
64 64 255
00 128 255
64 128 255
128 128 255
00 192 255
64 192 255
128 192 255
192 192 255


Violets, Indigos, Purples, Lavendars, Roses, Pinks, Mauves

64 00 64
64 00 128
128 00 128
128 64 128
64 00 192
80 00 192
128 64 192
192 00 192
192 64 192
192 128 192
64 00 255
128 00 255
128 64 255
192 00 255
192 64 255
192 128 255
255 00 255
255 40 255
255 128 255
255 192 255


Black, Grays, White

00 00 00
32 32 32
64 64 64
96 96 96
128 128 128
160 160 160
192 192 192
224 224 224
255 255 255

*All shades may be seen only with 256-color or higher resolution.

Go to the Categorized Color Chart: BLACK Background

Go to the Categorized Color Chart: GRAY Background

Go to the Wide-Spectrum Color Chart: BLACK Background

Go to the Wide-Spectrum Color Chart: GRAY Background

Go to the Wide-Spectrum Color Chart: WHITE Background

Go to the Color Names Chart: BLACK Background

Go to the Color Names Chart: GRAY Background

Go to the Color Names Chart: WHITE Background

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Copyright © 1998– by Ted M. Montgomery.  All rights reserved.