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1. Which of these eye colors is produced by the most amount of pigment in the iris? | |
2. The optic nerve is known also as what cranial nerve? | |
3. What is a triangular or wedge-shaped patch of blood-vessel-engorged tissue on the conjunctiva which can encroach onto the cornea and adversely affect vision? | |
4. Too much near work, thereby forcing the crystalline lens of the eye to over-accommodate without providing it with sufficient rest, can result in what? | |
5. An inherited disease which gradually devastates the rods of the retina, thereby reducing night vision and ultimately resulting in “tunnel” vision, is known as what? | |
6. “Floaters” (also known as “muscae volitantes“), which sometimes interfere with vision, can be caused by a what? | |
7. What test can detect early stages of macular degeneration, a hereditary ocular disease which is the leading cause of irreversible blindness among Americans 65 and older? | |
8. Which of the following conditions can cause a temporary decrease in vision for several days or weeks, as well as pain in the eye when the eye is moved? | |
9. What is the most common method used to perform a primary extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)? | |
10. A palsy of which extraocular muscle most likely will result in an esotropia (turning inward) of the affected eye? |
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